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Re: Study both Math and Verbal together or one after another? [#permalink]
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ThantZin wrote:
MyGuruSteve wrote:
ThantZin wrote:
I am in my first week of study and only focusing Math while studying Magoosh vocab flashcards at the moment. Should I finish Math first before studying Verbal strategies, or would splitting time between the two more productive?

I would appreciate the suggestions. Thank you.

Every test-taker is different, of course, so what works best for some may not necessarily be the best approach for others. That said, I'd recommend doing both, but be methodical about it. Over the course of a week of practice, it's good to cover both verbal and quant so that you're up to date on each, and you don't let anything fall by the wayside.

It's ok to stagger them out, though: e.g. verbal on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and quant Tuesday, Thursday, and one day over the weekend. This works particularly well if your study periods are short, say an hour or an hour and a half. If you're studying for longer periods at a time, then it can be fine to mix it up even over a single day. What you want to avoid is a situation in which you've been studying verbal for 3 weeks, but you've forgotten all of the quant that you picked up along the way!

I'd also recommend consistent vocabulary review, no matter what else you're doing. It's easy, doesn't require too much thought, but comprises a large part of the verbal section--plus, it's always important to build up a solid vocabulary! Whether you're using flashcards, word lists, an app, or some other approach, keep this going as background review. You might also do the same for basic math concepts, if you need them (you can use flashcards, cheat sheets, etc)

Hope that helps!


Thank you Steve. That was helpful. I decided to go for full math till end of this week while studying vocabs, then split between two since week 2. Appreciate your suggestions.

Sure thing--sounds like you've got a good plan laid out. Good luck!
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Re: Study both Math and Verbal together or one after another? [#permalink]
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