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Re: Sentence Equivalence #16 [#permalink]
Yes, it's paean and eulogy. It's very important to know the synonyms correctly in GRe
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QOTD #11 The exhibit is not so much a retrospective as a ___ [#permalink]
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This question is a part of The 5 lb. Book of GRE Practice Problems (2nd Ed.) - VERBAL

The exhibit is not so much a retrospective as a _________ ; the artist’s weaker, early work is glossed over, and any evidence of his ultimate dissolution is absent entirely.

  • paean
  • polemic
  • tirade
  • panacea
  • tribute
  • critique

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A “retrospective” would be an exhibit that shows the history and progression of the artist’s work, but this exhibit only shows the good parts (it “glossed over” the weaker work and omits the artist’s “dissolution,” which literally means ending, but metaphorically could mean his failure at the end). Thus, the blank needs a word that has something to do with praising. “Paean” and “tribute” are the only matches. A “paean” is generally a song or speech of praise and is used metaphorically here. “Polemic” and “tirade” both mean a long angry speech, and so do not fit the blank.” “Panacea,” which means a cure-all, also has the wrong meaning, as does “critique.”
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Re: QOTD #11 The exhibit is not so much a retrospective as a ___ [#permalink]
paean and tribute.

The second part of the sentence gives the clue that it is not retrospective but about praising the artist's work
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Re: QOTD #11 The exhibit is not so much a retrospective as a ___ [#permalink]
can you please explain this question? The second part of the sentence explains that the exhibit is about praising the artist since his weaker works are ignored. Also in the first part of the sentence the blank is accompanied by NOT. So I think the word critique could be a good match but there isn't a proper match for that.
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Re: QOTD #11 The exhibit is not so much a retrospective as a ___ [#permalink]
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The exhibit is not so much a retrospective as a [#permalink]
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This question is part of 5 lb. Book of GRE® Practice Problems Verbal Question Directory

The exhibit is not so much a retrospective as a _________; the artist’s weaker early work is glossed over, and any evidence of his ultimate dissolution is absent entirely.
A. paean
B. philippic
C. tirade
D. panacea
E. eulogy
F. crescendo

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Re: The exhibit is not so much a retrospective as a [#permalink]
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A retrospective would be an exhibit that shows the history and progression of the artist’s work, but this exhibit only shows the good parts (it “glosses over” the weaker work and omits the artist’s “dissolution”).

Thus, you need a word that has something to do with “praising.” Paean and eulogy are the only matches. Note that a paean is generally a song or speech of praise and is being used a bit metaphorically here. Many people only know eulogy as a speech given at a funeral, but can actually refer to any speech (or in this case, art exhibit) of praise.

Hence options paean, eulogy are correct!
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Re: QOTD #11 The exhibit is not so much a retrospective as a ___ [#permalink]
its quite tricky
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Re: The exhibit is not so much a retrospective as a [#permalink]
Paen means encomium or praise. Eulogy means written praise.
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Re: The exhibit is not so much a retrospective as a [#permalink]
sandy wrote:

A retrospective would be an exhibit that shows the history and progression of the artist’s work, but this exhibit only shows the good parts (it “glosses over” the weaker work and omits the artist’s “dissolution”).

Thus, you need a word that has something to do with “praising.” Paean and eulogy are the only matches. Note that a paean is generally a song or speech of praise and is being used a bit metaphorically here. Many people only know eulogy as a speech given at a funeral, but can actually refer to any speech (or in this case, art exhibit) of praise.

Hence options paean, eulogy are correct!

I agree with you cent percent BUT why did then author choose to use "not so much a retrospective as a _________;".. it appears as if the author is looking for a word what is not praiseworthy. Please correct my under standing.
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Re: QOTD #11 The exhibit is not so much a retrospective as a ___ [#permalink]
Paean = praise. Did not know the definition so I went with polemic, which was wrong.
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Re: The exhibit is not so much a retrospective as a [#permalink]
Paen and euology . Both the words mean the same.
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Re: QOTD #11 The exhibit is not so much a retrospective as a ___ [#permalink]
Manhattan Prep is notorious for giving terrible verbal questions, which this one is god-awful. Paean? There's no context for something being praised here. Just awful.
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Re: QOTD #11 The exhibit is not so much a retrospective as a ___ [#permalink]
Libra wrote:
Manhattan Prep is notorious for giving terrible verbal questions, which this one is god-awful. Paean? There's no context for something being praised here. Just awful.

I agree with you that Manhattan verbal questions are not normally what you would see in the real GRE. The prep relies mostly on esoteric vocabulary, and their RC's questions are debatable as well. However, in my opinion, in this context at least, paean and tribute do fit well. They both here mean a thing that is used to admire someone.
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Re: QOTD #11 The exhibit is not so much a retrospective as a ___ [#permalink]
Libra wrote:
Manhattan Prep is notorious for giving terrible verbal questions, which this one is god-awful. Paean? There's no context for something being praised here. Just awful.

Totally agree there. I absolutely hate it when some prep company's prep material wastes my precious time in chasing down an avenue of knowledge that isn't even relevant to the GRE.
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Re: QOTD #11 The exhibit is not so much a retrospective as a ___ [#permalink]
tribute and panacea i did ..but panacea is wrong. i forgot the meaning
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Re: Sentence Equivalence #16-exhibit is not so much a retrospect [#permalink]
can you tell me the meaning of the sentence?
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