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Re: The question as to what constitutes art is hardly a (i) one. [#permalink]
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Awesome explanation.

Thank you.

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Re: The question as to what constitutes art is hardly a (i) one. [#permalink]
I still feel like reverent is better than tame in the third blank.

As in the preceding statement of the blank the writer was emphasizing on the idea of blashpemy of the cutting edge art i.e. Michaelangelo's.

As much as tame makes sense, i feel like it's lacking especially when talking about much respected and idolized kind of art of the renaissance period. I've read the written explanation by MagooshStudentHelp but I still feel that reverent is much more fit into the whole idea of the paragraph.

Any further explanation is highly appreciated
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Re: The question as to what constitutes art is hardly a (i) one. [#permalink]
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Sorry if I say but what you feel or like is quite different from what is correct based on logic

That very same admixture of contempt and confusion, however, was not unknown in Michelangelo's day; only what was considered blasphemous, art-wise, in the sixteenth century, would today be considered (iii) tame.

What once was wild now would be calm.

Hope this helsp
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Re: The question as to what constitutes art is hardly a (i) one. [#permalink]
So tough question? Can anybody explain how to handle this type of question easily?
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Re: The question as to what constitutes art is hardly a (i) one. [#permalink]
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this is the process kinda you should go through when dealing with such tough (iii) blanks ... html#p6352

let me know if you do need any more support
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Re: The question as to what constitutes art is hardly a (i) one. [#permalink]
Tame would make sense in reference to art in general, but the fact that the blank is specifically referring to and contradicting Michelangelo's blasphemous art, reverent is logically the answer.
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The question as to what constitutes art is hardly a (i) one. [#permalink]
Carcass wrote:

this is the process kinda you should go through when dealing with such tough (iii) blanks ... html#p6352

let me know if you do need any more support

This link is not working. Please share the new one. It says I am unauthorized
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Re: The question as to what constitutes art is hardly a (i) one. [#permalink]
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The question is located here ... verbal.doc

Here my explanation

This is a long statement that usually has 3 blanks. However, the first sentence is complete and as such could have some clue to put us on track.
Moreover, remember always to read the entire sentence to grasp the overall meaning; this is the best strategy you might follow because even if you spot a clue or more if you do not grasp the entire meaning you could miss one of the answers. A clue does not represent what is all about.

That said, what I do always is to split a sentence (if long like this one) into chunks and do a brief, 2 to five seconds, of brainstorming. Just a pinch.

The narratives that vanquished peoples have created of their defeat have, according to Schivelbusch, fallen into several identifiable types.

The first thing I do notice is that the word vanquished is unknown to my vocabulary. This is normal: the English language is so vast it is impossible to even for the most skilled academic professor to know everything. Consider this at a student level. Your goal is to understand the overall sense of the sentence and not indulge that much on a single word-meaning which is distracting and detrimental to your performance.

The narrative that vanquished peoples (is enough to know for now the word people) have created of their this point you should have an ah-ha moment: some people create something else (the narratives or stories) of their defeat. This means that vanquished are people defeated is some battlefield or war. That is great. Now we do know more or less the meaning of the sentence and on top of that: we have already some possible clues to keep in mind for the forthcoming two sentences. The narratives said by people defeated in some war fall into several streams.

At this point is premature to make some sort of forecast. But so far so good.

In one of these, the vanquished manage to (i)_____the victor’s triumph as the result of some spurious advantage, the victors being truly inferior where it counts.

What we do have here: in one of this sub-type of narratives, manage to (i) ______ the victory of the enemies (the vanquished's enemy) as a consequence of some spurious advantage: this means that the vanquished attribute the other victory to something else that is not skill-related, strategy or the well-prepared army but they think is, for instance, fortune related. I.E. the victory is the result of fortune or some divine intervention or some other cause outside the logical reasons

Looking at the answer choices,

construe I do not know honestly what that means. I assume always that a student DOES NOT know how to manage a word. If it was the contrary, if we did know every single word of the Oxford dictionary, then 70% of the GRE exam was a stroll. And this is not the case. Our goal is to contextualize it as much as possible a word, trying to carve out the most from it and to see if it fits the ballpark or not. Not knowing the exact meaning. Keep it for now.

anoint This word is even worse than the previous one. I am blank in my mind. At this point, the GRE is much of a strategy: stay calm, stay focused, and be aggressive. Do not lose count.

acknowledge This is easy: it means, essentially, to recognize. Cross off immediately and move on.

At this point you have two choices ahead of you: or you try to attack the third sentence and consequently the second blank or stop here and try to nail the first blank. This is hard decision-making and overall is what GRE is all about. Decision-making.

I decide to pick the first choice of my strategy to go ahead. After all, I can go back if necessary.

Often the winners (ii)_____this interpretation, worrying about the cultural or moral costs of their triumph and so giving some credence to the losers' story.

Now, in this question, we do have on one hand the defeated, and now, of course, we do have the winners. Often they (ii) ________ this interpretation: which means they do something about the interpretation of the victory by the vanquished. I.E the vanquished managed in a certain way their defeated AND the winner act accordingly to this. Woww.

My strategy was right. reading the third sentence I had a huge clue to fill in the first blank and to fill in the second as well. Now the entire story is much more clear to me :-D

The winners when they won, at the same time they are worried of the implications of their victory to the defeated(vanquished) in terms of moral costs and as it turns out they give some credit to what the vanquished say, some deal to the losers' story.

At this point the big picture is quite clear and could be recap this way: the defeated attribute their defeat to some other reason than the skillful enemy but rather to the fortune (for instance). And the same vanquished manage, craft their defeat in a certain way. As a consequence, the winners react to this interpretation not in a harsh way, considering the moral costs that a defeat implies to the losers.


looking at the answer choices in the first blank: construe vs anoint, even though I do not know the exact meaning of the two, from the context almost clearly construe suggest me something as construction; artifact: something to build, to manage, maybe a house. They must be the answer.

Looking at the second blank, at this point:

take issue with means to delve into some discussion or something related to solve an issue. Here as you noticed there is no issue to solve. Cross off

disregard The winners do not disregard anything. On the contrary, they have a sort of soft approach to the losers for the implication that a defeat could have. They do not disregard it, they instead take it into account.

collude in this must be the second blank. Even if I do not know at all the meaning. However, the word collude reminds me of something close, which is the idea I had read the sentence. The winners are somehow close to the losers.

The answers are A and F.
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Re: The question as to what constitutes art is hardly a (i) one. [#permalink]
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sorry, we no longer have that question.
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