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Re: The more deeply one delves into the relevant litera [#permalink]
How would the option "teeming with ridicule" fit in the first blank? Isn't "rife with contention" the better fit for the first blank?
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Re: The more deeply one delves into the relevant litera [#permalink]
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Tapi wrote:
How would the option "teeming with ridicule" fit in the first blank? Isn't "rife with contention" the better fit for the first blank?

The meaning of the first blank, actually, is this: psychoanalysis indeed does not explain certain things how we thought in the very first stance.

We are not concerned about contention. We are not debating anything.

hope this helps.

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The more deeply one delves into the relevant literature, the [#permalink]
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This question is part of 5 lb. Book of GRE® Practice Problems Verbal Question Directory

The more deeply one delves into the relevant literature, the more apparent it becomes that psychoanalysis is a practice (i) ___________. Even tenets that some might deem (ii) __________ to the general philosophy, such as the notion that the human psyche is primarily governed by conflicting desires and is formed in large part by early childhood experiences, are by no means accepted as gospel, even by some of its most (iii) ___________.
Blank (i)Blank (ii)Blank (iii)
(A) teeming with ridicule(D) critical(G) esteemed beneficiaries
(B) devoid of substance(E) immaterial(H) quarrelsome factions
(C) rife with contention(F) anathema(I) seasoned practitioners

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Rife with contention, critical, seasoned practitioners.

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Re: The more deeply one delves into the relevant literature, the [#permalink]
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This sentence is itself rife with ambiguity, so the best way to tackle it is to hunt down the most revealing clue words. Arguably the most important giveaway word in the whole two sentences is the word gospel, which is itself tricky because its primary definition has religious connotations.

In fact, a secondary definition of gospel is “accepted fact,” or “agreed-upon truth.” Another crucial word is tenet, which also signifies an “accepted principle.” Finally, the word even is an important pivot that informs you of the relationship between these words and the second blank, which is where you should start.

Even tells you that you should be surprised. You should be surprised that certain tenets that some might deem ______ are not accepted as
gospel. In other words, the blank should signify something crucial, or critical, to the general philosophy of psychoanalysis. Moving to the third blank, you see another “even,” once again indicating something contrary to expectation. You would expect the people very experienced in the field, or the most seasoned practitioners, to subscribe most strongly to the central tenets of the field.

Now return to the first blank. You learned in the second sentence that there is disagreement in the field, even between the most experienced practitioners, about the fundamental tenets of the practice of psychoanalysis. In other words, the field is subject to great debate, or rife with contention.

Rife with contention, critical, seasoned practitioners.
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Re: The more deeply one delves into the relevant litera [#permalink]
wow it's very hard.
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Re: The more deeply one delves into the relevant litera [#permalink]
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Hi Sir,

do you need explanation?
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Re: The more deeply one delves into the relevant litera [#permalink]
Carcass wrote:
Hi Sir,

do you need explanation?

Yes, I'd be very appreciated. What are the keywords that I need to take a closer look at?
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Re: The more deeply one delves into the relevant litera [#permalink]
Carcass wrote:
When you start to tackle a TC question for the GRE exam during your practice routine OR during your real exam the thing does not change, at all: you first and primary goal is to follow a clear strategy.

  • Divide the sentence, especially the longest one, into chunks. Sentence by sentence. Analyze them with a brief brainstorming on the real meaning of these sentence on its own and in context, as a whole.
  • Doing so, scanning incessantly and immediately, faster than a lightning, for clues scattered here and there along the entire statement in front of you.
  • Grasp the overall meaning. Do not waste time hovering a single word. Understand the BIG picture. After all, a Caravaggio's painting is beautiful in its entirety, even though the particulars are amazing and punch you in the face like a fist from nowhere, so much they have beauty.
  • Do not be intimidated by the length of sentence or because is convoluted. Do not try to digest in one breath. Dissect it and move slowly but with determination, at an atomic level. Aggressive.

So, let move on and see what the first sentence brings us.

The more deeply one delves into the relevant literature, the more apparent it becomes that psychoanalysis is a practice (i) ___________.

From this first sentence. I do not have so many clues about. The only thing I know is that the more you analyze deeply and consequently have a major understanding of literature (by the way is not specified which kind of), it sounds more like a general statement, an introduction. However, suddenly is specified that PS is a practice (i) ______

Here, I am not quite sure the 3 blanks represent. So. my strategy to go ahead with the next sentence. Often, when we do not have a grasp of what is going on is better to go ahead and see the big picture what brings in.

Even tenets that some might deem (ii) __________ to the general philosophy, such as the notion that the human psyche is primarily governed by conflicting desires and is formed in large part by early childhood experiences, are by no means accepted as gospel, even by some of its most (iii) ___________.

Oh wowww, the thing is getting even worse. A long sentence with two blanks. before I reach the end of this sentence I am already lost.

Wait, hold on: this is an important tip: whenever the things is getting more convoluted than easy, stop. Focus on, being even more aggressive and do not give up. In this particular case, divide the long sentence in even small chunks.

Even tenets that some might deem (ii) __________ to the general philosophy

This part of the sentence does not help me that much, and I am already to the second blank without clues. Not a big deal. But keep going, every TC in this exam must have a sort of starting point from what I must understand something and work on to arrive at a consistent conclusion.

such as the notion that the human psyche is primarily governed by conflicting desires and is formed in large part by early childhood experiences,

here we go, the part of the sentence that gives us an example or shows us with a clear paragon what philosophy or psychology or whatever it is we are talking about is here. Spot on.

The notion of the psyche (which is our mind, our human soul, our spirit) is made and governed by our desires which clash AND is forged by our early experiences during childhood. Amazing. Now everything is becoming clear.

are by no means accepted as gospel, even by some of its most (iii) ___________.

The aforementioned notion is not uniquely accepted, it not a gospel which means not ALL believe that is true or in other words: it is not a credo. it is not a truth accepted 100% neither by those who are at the pinnacle in this field: for instance the most prominent scientists. As such.

esteemed beneficiaries beneficiaries are who has some benefit from something. here we are talking about that someone does not believe in a notion. Eventually, he/she disagrees. Cross off

quarrelsome factions I do not know the meaning of quarrelsome but fractions are a part of a group of persons. It does not seem a good fit.

seasoned practitioners Perfect. part of people that are expert in this field do not believe that notion as a credo or gospel and at the same time, we do know that we are talking about by some of its most which mean prominent scientists or thinkers. This sis the third blank. Must be the answer.

Now everything is more clear to me.

Going back to the 2nd blank. We do know that something that is important, very important to the argument is not believed by part of the thinkers as critical as it seems. Bingo. Yess

We do already have our prediction based on the meaning

critical here we go. it must be the 2nd blank. Perfect fit

immaterial No good. I have already my answer and immaterial has nothing to do to our notion.

anathema I do not know what that means but I do know that is not the answer.

Looking back even further at the 1st blank.

We do know that this phrase actually conveys this meaning: the more we go deeper in a certain argument, the more conflict opinions arise. That is the sense of the sentence. Bearing in mind what we know

devoid of substance I do not know what this blank is saying to me but it reminds me of: avoid and substance. However, here we are saying that a notion is not unanimously accepted nothing suggests to me of a substance. Cross off

rife with contention This suggests me about a contention. mhhh very tough but the contention is a dispute or a controversy. we do not have a controversy, we just have a notion on what who agrees and who disagrees.

teeming with ridicule This must be the first blank. No matter what. it has sense: when we do have a certain field of the study apparently everybody agrees with BUT as soon as we go much deeper into that, bang: different lines of thought emerge. Therefore, it becomes somehow ridiculous when we dig into the argument at the very essence.

Wowww. Super easy, barely an inconvenience. :)

PS: of course, it was really tough.


Wow... Thanks so much. I'm getting immense help from you. You're amazing !!!
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Re: The more deeply one delves into the relevant litera [#permalink]
The way I saw it, for the 1st blank, there's nothing in the text anywhere to suggest that there is any ridicule.

The only one that has any support, however meager, is choice (C) rife with contention, because there is just a little bit to support contention, i.e., in the following wording:

by no means accepted as gospel, even by some of its most seasoned practitioners.

Where in the text does it at all suggest, or hint at, ridicule? I couldn't see it.
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Re: The more deeply one delves into the relevant litera [#permalink]
njihan wrote:
The way I saw it, for the 1st blank, there's nothing in the text anywhere to suggest that there is any ridicule.

The only one that has any support, however meager, is choice (C) rife with contention, because there is just a little bit to support contention, i.e., in the following wording:

by no means accepted as gospel, even by some of its most seasoned practitioners.

Where in the text does it at all suggest, or hint at, ridicule? I couldn't see it.

I agree with you to the extent that "filled with ridicule" is not supported with sufficient clues in the context, however I disagree with the view that "rife with contentions" has support. I made the same mistake.

For the first blank - I dont believe anyone could come with a guess word that would mean "filled with ridicule", in fact I came up with the guess words "needs to be relooked at" => but we all agree (with sufficient support from the context) that PA - psychoanalysis is wrong.

Lets have a look at the options:
"teeming with ridicule" - I would actually eliminate in the first go, saying there is no clue. Note, we are not saying this is incorrect, we are just saying there are no sufficient clues to support it.

"devoid of substance" - lacking substance, meaning the theory lacks content, meaning etc. But this is clearly wrong

"rife with contention" - You might select this. Why ? Is there a subconscious effort to select the most commonly chosen answer, afterall generally all theories in general, and even in GRE be it TC or RC contention/controversy is a popular answer ?
We fully agree that the theory is considered wrong by the author hands down. The author is not opening any channels for a +ve feedback/supporting premise/argument.
Lets look at the sentence highlighted - "by no means accepted as gospel, even by some of its most seasoned practitioners" - this just indicates that the most followers of PA wont accept the tenets which are crucial for PA => does it indicate a controversy ? No, it just talks about followers & non-followers. (highlighted by @Carcass in the above explanation)

How could it indicate controversy ? If lets say the next sentence, would start - "However, recent social experiments revelated that human psyche is in fact shaped by childhood experiences" => this is where I believe "rife with controversy" would fit in

So "rife with controversy" is incorrect. This leaves us with only one option - "teeming with ridicule" - which we had eliminated due to lack of clues, but we could not find a better option and there is no context supporting the contrary or making this incorrect.
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Re: The more deeply one delves into the relevant litera [#permalink]
Carcass wrote:
When you start to tackle a TC question for the GRE exam during your practice routine OR during your real exam the thing does not change, at all: you first and primary goal is to follow a clear strategy.

  • Divide the sentence, especially the longest one, into chunks. Sentence by sentence. Analyze them with a brief brainstorming on the real meaning of these sentence on its own and in context, as a whole.
  • Doing so, scanning incessantly and immediately, faster than a lightning, for clues scattered here and there along the entire statement in front of you.
  • Grasp the overall meaning. Do not waste time hovering a single word. Understand the BIG picture. After all, a Caravaggio's painting is beautiful in its entirety, even though the particulars are amazing and punch you in the face like a fist from nowhere, so much they have beauty.
  • Do not be intimidated by the length of sentence or because is convoluted. Do not try to digest in one breath. Dissect it and move slowly but with determination, at an atomic level. Aggressive.

So, let move on and see what the first sentence brings us.

The more deeply one delves into the relevant literature, the more apparent it becomes that psychoanalysis is a practice (i) ___________.

From this first sentence. I do not have so many clues about. The only thing I know is that the more you analyze deeply and consequently have a major understanding of literature (by the way is not specified which kind of), it sounds more like a general statement, an introduction. However, suddenly is specified that PS is a practice (i) ______

Here, I am not quite sure the 3 blanks represent. So, my strategy is to go ahead with the next sentence. Often, when we do not have a grasp of what is going on is better to go ahead and see the big picture what brings in.

Even tenets that some might deem (ii) __________ to the general philosophy, such as the notion that the human psyche is primarily governed by conflicting desires and is formed in large part by early childhood experiences, are by no means accepted as gospel, even by some of its most (iii) ___________.

Oh wowww, the thing is getting even worse. A long sentence with two blanks. before I reach the end of this sentence I am already lost.

Wait, hold on: this is an important tip: whenever the things is getting more convoluted than easy, stop. Focus on, being even more aggressive and do not give up. In this particular case, divide the long sentence in even small chunks.

Even tenets that some might deem (ii) __________ to the general philosophy

This part of the sentence does not help me that much, and I am already to the second blank without clues. Not a big deal. But keep going, every TC in this exam must have a sort of starting point from what I must understand something and work on to arrive at a consistent conclusion.

such as the notion that the human psyche is primarily governed by conflicting desires and is formed in large part by early childhood experiences,

here we go, the part of the sentence that gives us an example or shows us with a clear paragon what philosophy or psychology or whatever it is we are talking about is here. Spot on.

The notion of the psyche (which is our mind, our human soul, our spirit) is made and governed by our desires which clash AND is forged by our early experiences during childhood. Amazing. Now everything is becoming clear.

are by no means accepted as gospel, even by some of its most (iii) ___________.

The aforementioned notion is not uniquely accepted, it not a gospel which means not ALL believe that is true or in other words: it is not a credo. it is not a truth accepted 100% neither by those who are at the pinnacle in this field: for instance the most prominent scientists. As such.

esteemed beneficiaries beneficiaries are who has some benefit from something. here we are talking about that someone does not believe in a notion. Eventually, he/she disagrees. Cross off

quarrelsome factions I do not know the meaning of quarrelsome but fractions are a part of a group of persons. It does not seem a good fit.

seasoned practitioners Perfect. part of people that are expert in this field do not believe that notion as a credo or gospel and at the same time, we do know that we are talking about by some of its most which mean prominent scientists or thinkers. This sis the third blank. Must be the answer.

Now everything is more clear to me.

Going back to the 2nd blank. We do know that something that is important, very important to the argument is not believed by part of the thinkers as critical as it seems. Bingo. Yess

We do already have our prediction based on the meaning

critical here we go. it must be the 2nd blank. Perfect fit

immaterial No good. I have already my answer and immaterial has nothing to do to our notion.

anathema I do not know what that means but I do know that is not the answer.

Looking back even further at the 1st blank.

We do know that this phrase actually conveys this meaning: the more we go deeper in a certain argument, the more conflict opinions arise. That is the sense of the sentence. Bearing in mind what we know

devoid of substance I do not know what this blank is saying to me but it reminds me of: avoid and substance. However, here we are saying that a notion is not unanimously accepted nothing suggests to me of a substance. Cross off

rife with contention This suggests me about a contention. mhhh very tough but the contention is a dispute or a controversy. we do not have a controversy, we just have a notion on what who agrees and who disagrees.

teeming with ridicule This must be the first blank. No matter what. it has sense: when we do have a certain field of the study apparently everybody agrees with BUT as soon as we go much deeper into that, bang: different lines of thought emerge. Therefore, it becomes somehow ridiculous when we dig into the argument at the very essence.

Wowww. Super easy, barely an inconvenience. :)

PS: of course, it was really tough.


This is beautiful. Thank you for dissecting this problem, step by step. It's helpful to think of answering TC question in terms of strategy, and not any one strategy but a clear and consistent one. I've been relying on my ear, which worked maybe 75% of the time. This is a nice reminder for me to work on strategy. THANK YOU.
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Re: The more deeply one delves into the relevant litera [#permalink]
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Thank you so much, guys.

I appreciate. :thanks
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Re: The more deeply one delves into the relevant literature, the [#permalink]
what are the meaning of devoid the substance, teeming with ridicule?
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Re: The more deeply one delves into the relevant litera [#permalink]
The aforementioned notion is not uniquely accepted, it not a gospel which means not ALL believe that is true or in other words: it is not a credo. it is not a truth accepted 100% neither by those who are at the pinnacle in this field: for instance the most prominent scientists. As such.

I could not get through the gospel phrase as you did Carcass . With the word gospel, I thought this is something related to Bible. So, I could not take the clue correctly from here, leading to make another wrong guess in the first blank. I thought even when some parts of PA were critical to philosophy, it failed to make its entry in Bible. So, it must be lacking substance or any importance really.

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Re: The more deeply one delves into the relevant litera [#permalink]
The answer for blank (i) is "rife with contention" and it has to be because ridicule doesn't fit the context of the passage as there is no mockery or snide but there is disagreement which is cause for contention hence "rife with contention" has to be the answer.
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Re: The more deeply one delves into the relevant litera [#permalink]
the answer should be H
unless one can tell me how i) seasoned practitioners goes against "" accepted notions as gospel""
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Re: The more deeply one delves into the relevant litera [#permalink]
Akram1711 wrote:
The answer for blank (i) is "rife with contention" and it has to be because ridicule doesn't fit the context of the passage as there is no mockery or snide but there is disagreement which is cause for contention hence "rife with contention" has to be the answer.

Completely agree with this guy. C, D, and I are the most perspicuous and defensible answers to this question. Contention means disagreeing, and later in the question it is indirectly stated that even seasoned practitioners disagree with what some deem the tenets of the philosophy. Nowhere in the question is ridicule, embarrassment, denigration, derision, ...etc... insinuated.

TLDR - C,D,I are the obvious answers
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