manimgoindowndown wrote:
Coming for the GMAT and want to take the thing I found hard with the GRE is it that I don't know which questions will be difficult and how many per section, it doesn't 'noche up as you go'. SO what is the average time I should allot to each question in the quantative sections?
Also, how many can I get wrong to get a 500/800 on verbal? What if my aim is to score slightly above a 500, just so I have a better chance to hit a 500 minium. I want to hit th 500 and fill in randomly the rest of the sections for the verbal, just so I can not be fatigued for the important math section I want a perfect score on for an engineer program.
Also from what I understand 2 verbal/2 math and an exeprimental which can be EITEHR verbal or math? Is there no way to tell which section is experimental? Where isthe break here, and how long is it?
Hi manimgoindowndown,
While fundamentals of GMAT and GRE are essentially the same, i.e. same concepts in Mathematics and English do apply, but both the test vary vastly in practice. Hence preparation strategy for both the test is very different.
The questions that are difficult for you might not be difficult for someone else. Hence there is no clear pattern to identify easy or difficult as they exist in all of the topics.
An ideal way too go about it would be to take practice test and perform a SWOT analysis on the same. You would find more details about tests. Here... details about SWOT analysis here... section in the computer based GRE has 20 question and time is 30mins for verbal and 35 for Quant.
Read more about the test structure here.. this post helped.