Daily Reading
Hi All!After reading a few posts and chats in the last few days as to how one should improve their verbal for the test, GRE basically comprises two parts: the reading and the usage of vocabulary. Both of which can be improved by reading articles, especially those that use a good vocabulary and good construction. I do not have to list down the benefits of reading; knowing that the GRE comprises almost 50% reading comprehension is more than enough.
Following the above points, I think reading some articles daily will help you improve. And rather than searching for a good website or subscribing to a useful site, you can visit this post every day to post some articles along with the vocabulary the article uses.
What is in for the You? You can post a summary of the articles in the most concise way here (
https://gre.myprepclub.com/forum/evaluatio ... tml#p73536) . What I mean is after reading the article, try to write a summary of the article in the way that you are explaining it to the kids, do not write the whole article; write it in a way that you would do on the test. This will help you develop your comprehension and help you know the main idea & the purpose of the passage, which is the most common question. And the expert and moderators could help you review it. Also, you can get kudos!
Let me know below if you have any suggestions, and we can work on it together
The evaluation of your reading must be posted in the mirroring discussion of this one
Evaluation for Daily Reading At the link above, you will find the simple rules to follow for having the review. Asking here "please review my reading" will be deleted!!!
\(1^{st}\) week\(2^{nd}\) week\(3^{rd}\) week\(4^{th}\) week\(5^{th}\) week\(6^{th}\) week\(7^{th}\) weekRegardsKs1859
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