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Re: The tremendous wealth of ancient life on display as part of
14 Oct 2017, 15:56
Since the tremendous wealth… on display represents only a tiny fraction of the collection, and since the collection has over one million specimens, it is a very large collection indeed.
You might anticipate an answer like “huge.” Exhaustive, which means “including everything,” is a bit stronger even than anticipated, but it will work. The primary meaning of compendious is something like “synoptic, briefly stating all the essentials,” and that’s not what you want, but compendious can also mean simply “complete.”
The primary meaning is the one you’re most likely to encounter on the GRE, but in this question, you should take the other meaning, “complete.” (The meaning you rely on for this question, incidentally, is most common even in formal writing, though it’s not first in the dictionary.) Imperfect though both these answers are, nothing else is even close.
Hence options exhaustive, compendious are best fit!