motion2020 wrote:
Now it's fine. I have submitted the second quantitative test and found majority of the questions in this test to be quite easy. I have submitted the second quantitative test only one, single time. My mistakes were in data set related entries, and I made a couple of careless mistakes with the resulting test score of 16/20. My concern is whether the degree of difficulty of the second quantitative test offered by greprepclub may be compared with the degree of difficulty of GRE's hard quantitative section. Will I ever cross Q=160 at the end of my actual GRE, if my greprepclub test results will be around 80 percentile or 80% correct?

Hi There!
These questions are great for practice and to help you understand where you make mistakes, and where you can save time. However, you cannot compare one test with another, because on GRE it is possible that you get all the answers correct on the first section and get a difficult level second section and you do not perform very well in that section thus, comparing is not a great option.
But surely the questions on the GRECLUBTESTS are NOT EASY and are formulated by experts, so you can trust them.
Hope this helps!
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