motion2020 wrote:
Company employees are placed on at least one team. There are 20 employees on sales team, 50 employees on production and 9 employees on accounting teams respectively. There are three work committees at the company that include 8 employees from sales and production teams, 6 employees from sales and accounting teams, and 5 employees from production and accounting teams in each committee. If there are 4 employees included in all three work committees, then how many employees are at the company in total?
(A) 68
(B) 67
(C) 66
(D) 65
(E) 64
S (sales) =20, P (production) =50, A (accounting) =9
S&P = 8 (but this may include A as well)
S&A = 6 (but this may include P as well)
P&A = 5 (but this may include S as well)
S&P&A = 4
To know exactly, what is the number employees on two teams ONLY, continue in the following way
S&P - S&P&A = 8 - 4 = 4 employees are ONLY on S and P
S&A - S&P&A = 6 - 4 = 2 employees are ONLY on S and A
P&A - S&P&A = 5 - 4 = 1 employee is only on P and A
Hence, T = 20 + 50 + 9 - 4 - 2 - 1 - 2*4 = 64 employees. Answer is