amorphous wrote:
How did you find the avg annual for 1980-1990 and 1980-2000 from the graph? There is data for only annual avg per employee.
Good question! I was wondering the same thing too.
As it stands, the chart tells us about average annual donation PER EMPLOYEE, and the question asks us about COMPANY F’s average annual donation.
To avoid ambiguity, I would add "PER EMPLOYEE" to get: What is the approximate ratio of Company F’s average annual donation PER EMPLOYEE to charity group X for the period 1980–1990 to that for the period 1980–2000?

The ratio of Company F’s average annual donation PER EMPLOYEE to charity group X for the period
1980–1990 to that for the period
1980–2000 =
100.8 ≈
2Answer: B