At a certain factory, each of Machines A, B, and C is periodically on for exactly 1 minute.png [ 5.79 KiB | Viewed 3655 times ]
At a certain factory, each of Machines A, B, and C is periodically on for exactly 1 minute and periodically off for a fixed number of consecutive minutes as shown in the table above. When Machine A is on it uses 15 units of power every 18th minute, Machine B uses 18 units of power every 15th minute, and Machine C uses 12 units of power every 12th minute. The factory has a backup generator that operates only when the total power usage of the 3 machines exceeds 30 units of power.
Quantity A |
Quantity B |
Time interval (in min.) between consecutive times the backup generator begins to operate |
180 |
A. Quantity A is greater
B. Quantity B is greater
C. The two quantities are equal
D. The relationship cannot be determined from the information given