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Re: The only purpose for which a particular type of tape is needed is to
13 Nov 2021, 04:14
Notice the passage says 'the only purpose for which a particular type of tape is needed is to hold certain surgical wounds closed for ten days.' Therefore, the argument only pertains to a particular type of surgical wound.
Choice A talks about most surgical wounds, but we're not interested in what happens with most surgical wounds -- only a particular type of surgical wood that takes a maximum of ten days to heal.
Choice E talks about a particular circumstance in which Newtape's adhesion is not as good as the currently used tape's adhesion. Does this weaken Newtape's claim? Newtape can still improve healing overall -- just not in this particular circumstance. E is out.
Choice C tells us that the currently used tape's adhesiveness is more than sufficient for its needs. Perfect.