Nis20 wrote:
I am shifting from GMAT to GRE so I have doubts about the pattern of GRE.
I have read some posts and understood that the GRE is not question adaptive but section adaptive. So, if I get a quant section first and I do good in that, will the next section (verbal) will adapt to be harder OR the next quant section will adapt (meaning the quant will only affect quant and verbal performance only affects verbal) ???
Secondly, how are multiple answer questions marked? If I get one out of 2 answers wrong, will the entire question will be marked wrong or is there part marking?
Regarding your questions:
-- How you perform on the quant section will not affect the difficulty of any of the verbal sections.
-- For multiple answer questions, in order to get a correct answer, you need to have each answer choice marked correctly. There is no partial credit.