Re: The slope of a straight line is
26 Dec 2024, 01:46
We know that the slope of a line, in the intercept form, is $\(-\frac{(y-\text { int ercept })}{(x-\text { int ercept })}\)$, so if a line has slope $\(\frac{2}{3}\)$, we get the $\(\frac{(y-\text { intercept })}{(x-\text { intercept })}=-\frac{2}{3}\)$ which implies $\(y\)$-intercept $\(\& x-\)$ intercept must be of opposite sign.
Now, the value of ( $\(y\)$-intercept, $\(x\)$ - intercept) can be $\((-2,3)\)$ or $\((2,-3)\)$, so we can have either of them greater. So, $\(x\)$-intercept may be greater than $\(y\)$-intercept or vice versa.
Also if $\(y\)$ - intercept is negative, the x -intercept must be positive, so comes greater.
Hence options A, B, C, D all may be true, so are correct.