Carcass wrote:
Mass arts-advertising, movies, and television poisoning your mind to the point you are NOT able to think critically and in an independent way
That's the meaning of that portion on the entire sentence
Thank you so much for replying.
But the point stands still. why would the student oppose the critical attitude. "unable to oppose the critical attitude" upon simplification means "he wants to embrace the non-critical attitude". Why would someone have to "oppose a critical attitude" or "embrace a non-critical attitude" in a normal world. we become uncritical of things only when we have some emotional connection with them. example our family, toys, fancy gadgets, basically sort of stuff which we hold closer to our hearts. otherwise we always try to be critical of things, basically we try to be logical.
But here in the problem,universities are telling students to behave somewhat emotionally-"value of study assumes a special poignancy". Meaning universities want students to be emotionally connected to the art and not just treat it commercial.
and which leads us to the second sentence that mass advertising, movies and televisions are commercialising it so blatantly that is so openly that students or any person perhaps can not simply ignore it. And thus students are thinking only critically without an "emotional aspect-which is taught in universities".
And thus students are unable to dodge/oppose critical attitude....which is why critical is the answer for third blank and NOT "because they are biased OR not able to think critically". Had that been the case, sentence cannot be framed like, "not able to oppose critical attitude". Universities want them to oppose the critical attitude and that's why it is said without this kind of experience they will not be able to oppose the critical attitude. If they had such such experience they would have been able to oppose it.
Poignancy is the key word. We cannot simply ignore it. Poiganacy is used here with respect to importance of emotional aspect of things.
P.S... my command over the English language is not that great as of now. So, please excuse the layman language and simple and repetitive verbiage and poor grammar

. But the explanation is tenable.