Thanks for your post. I apologize, I'm not sure I fully understand what you wrote. The quote in my previous post is the quote from the correct answer choice, it wasn't my statement.
quote from passage,
The reason for this lack of motion is that the force on the upper part of the hand would be equal and opposite to the force on the lower part of the hand, resulting in no net force on the tennis players’ hand or forearm. The center of percussion constitutes a second sweet spot because a tennis player's wrist typically is placed next to the end of the racket's handle.
This "no net force" = no jarring feeling is what I inferred.
Additionally this section says, center of percussion is a
second sweet spotThus from what I gather, the actual answer - Choice C (question 5) doesn't exactly fit into this sentence, because it says "other than the center of percussion" that implies this is the only spot one on the racket.
quote from answer choice,
Striking a tennis ball at a spot other than the center of percussion can result in a jarring feeling.
Now if this answer was reworded as follows, I would have definitely picked C.
Striking a tennis ball at a spot other than the sweet spot and center of percussion can result in a jarring feeling.Thank you again for posting detailed replies, I truly appreciate the effort you are putting into this forum !