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Re: The United States hospital industry is an unusua [#permalink]
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Ks1859 wrote:
Carcass wrote:
Here, in my view, where an official passage differs from one nON official

Think about the second question

2. According to the passage, Newhouse's view of the social welfare efficiency of nonprofit hospitals differs from Weisbrod's view in that Newhouse

(A) contends that government already provides most of the services that communities need
(B) argues that for-profit hospitals are better at meeting actual community needs than are nonprofit hospitals
(C) argues that nonprofit hospitals are likely to spend more to provide services that the community requires than for-profit hospitals are likely to spend
(D) argues that nonprofit hospitals ought to expand the services they provide to meet the community's demands
(E) believes that the level of care provided by nonprofit hospitals is inappropriate, given the community's requirements

The passage

Newhouse (1970) contends that nonprofit hospital managers unnecessarily expand the quality and quantity of hospital care beyond the actual needs of the community

E says that is inappropriate but the passage says are UNnecessary

inappropriate \(\neq\) unnecessary.

They are not even synonyms


Here's my take!

Inappropriate here means not according to the level which is required i.e it could be more or less. Because they unnecessarily expand the quality and quantity it is inappropriate according to the required standard which is low as to what they are providing.

Unnecessary does not necessarily play a part in the choice.

So I think E is the correct choice.

P.s.: This question is from GMAT OG so this is an official question! :)


Thank you sir to point out. I gave my two cents :)

Inappropriate means ,basically, incorrect.

But I understand what you meant: inappropriate for the necessity of the community.


I would use another term but................official is official
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Re: The United States hospital industry is an unusua [#permalink]
Hey i got 3/5 correct. Time spent approx 9min. I did not attempt 3rd question!! There is no highlighted text for question 3. Ks1859
can anyone explain 4th one. I fall for trap by choosing B. I thought that to attain efficiency they are finding it difficult
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Re: The United States hospital industry is an unusua [#permalink]
tejasphirke wrote:
Hey i got 3/5 correct. Time spent approx 9min. I did not attempt 3rd question!! There is no highlighted text for question 3. Ks1859
can anyone explain 4th one. I fall for trap by choosing B. I thought that to attain efficiency they are finding it difficult

Hi there!

I would surely help you. But tell me where did you go wrong I know you choose B but why? Were you able to eliminate other options? If yes what was your thought process.

Lets try it this way. This will help you to know your mistakes better!

Also the required parts have be highlighted.


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Re: The United States hospital industry is an unusua [#permalink]
4. The passage is primarily concerned with

(A) discussing the advantages of increased efficiency in a particular type of hospital -- Its not talking about advantages
(B) assessing obstacles to efficiency in a particular type of hospital -- though the views are conflicting so i thought that it may be difficult to attain efficiency
(C) describing conflicting assessments in the theoretical literature concerning particular types of hospitals -- well i confuse between B and C (its all about conflicting view)
(D) challenging evidence used to support an argument advanced in recent theoretical literature concerning a particular type of hospital -- In 2nd para, its about the particular hospital but there is no support for an argument to advance and have challenging evidence
(E) emphasizing the advantages of one particular type of hospital over another type -- again, like 1st
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The United States hospital industry is an unusua [#permalink]
tejasphirke wrote:
4. The passage is primarily concerned with

(A) discussing the advantages of increased efficiency in a particular type of hospital -- Its not talking about advantages
(B) assessing obstacles to efficiency in a particular type of hospital -- though the views are conflicting so i thought that it may be difficult to attain efficiency
(C) describing conflicting assessments in the theoretical literature concerning particular types of hospitals -- well i confuse between B and C (its all about conflicting view)
(D) challenging evidence used to support an argument advanced in recent theoretical literature concerning a particular type of hospital -- In 2nd para, its about the particular hospital but there is no support for an argument to advance and have challenging evidence
(E) emphasizing the advantages of one particular type of hospital over another type -- again, like 1st


Lets discuss what the passage is talking about, by creating a mind map!

P1- The author talks about profit and non profit hospitals and explains differences between them & reaching financial efficiency
P2- The author provides two contrasting views/literature both about non profit hospital

Note: The author does not provide an opinion

4. The passage is primarily concerned with

(A) discussing the advantages of increased efficiency in a particular type of hospital- OUT

(B) assessing obstacles to efficiency in a particular type of hospital- If you see we need something which gives us a broad view. This option choices only considers some lines from the first paragraph. And not the passage as a whole- Also note the singular nouns used here, "Particular hospital" whereas we see two different types of hospitals discussed- The importance of s :lol: - OUT

(C) describing conflicting assessments in the theoretical literature concerning particular types of hospitals- This has to be true. Because the author does discuss a conflicting assessment- This is better than option choice B and the use of noun looks fine- Correct

(D) challenging evidence used to support an argument advanced in recent theoretical literature concerning a particular type of hospital- OUT

(E) emphasizing the advantages of one particular type of hospital over another type- OUT

Let me know if I can help you further!!

Hope this helps!
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