I remember I had the same question last month when I was trying to pay the bills and I found out that I had to pay nearly 60$ for the electric energy. I was shocked, I had never had to deal with that before as I lived with my parents. Now when I moved, all the bills I have to pay by myself. To be honest 60 per month was too much for me and I decided to ask another friend of mine how much do they pay for that. They told me that they have to pay twice less as I use to pay. So the decision was to change the supplier asap as this one is robbing me. I found the
usave.co.uk service on the internet and I read a lot of positive feedback about this service. So that's why I decided to use them to change my supplier and it was the right decision. To cut it short, I chose from the available suppliers in my area, and the usave service made the rest. Now I pay 20$ monthly.