For those of us who, when reading about great thinkers in science, can‘t help but compare our own pitiful intellects with theirs, the focus of Livio‘s topsy-turvy book,
Brilliant Blunders, on mistakes is both encouraging and discouraging. It‘s encouraging because their mistakes remind us that they were (i) ___, full of the same blind spots and foibles we all have. It‘s discouraging because, even at their dumbest, these scientists did (ii) ___ work. Indeed, Livio argues that their ―brilliant blunders‖ ended up (iii) ____ science overall.
Blank (i) |
Blank (ii) |
Blank (iii) |
fallible |
asinine |
harming |
invincible |
incredible |
benefiting |
exceptional |
provocative |
circumventing |
Kudos for the right answer and explanation