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Re: 300 in Diagnostic test! Need help to score 320+ [#permalink]
Hello Carcass,

Thanks for writing back. I studied all the Manhattan 8 books, realized what was the mistake in QC, and the practice correct approach. I recently took TTP Quant diagnostic and scored 25 out 40 questions.

Now, I'm planning to give GRE by first week of July. I have three weeks time, which I'm planning to utilize more in practicing questions and give mock tests.

For Quant, I will be doing Manhattan 5 lb book. I will be doing Big Book for Verbal. Anything more that you would suggest for Verbal?

I tried Gregmat RC strategies, they are good and I can see the change. But how can i improve my accuracy. Since childhood, I have been an avid reader. I don't find passage difficult to understand neither I have issues with respect to reading but I have found that in POE, I end up with two choices or no choice, specifically with primary purpose questions. I usually answer trap answer choice. How can I improve my accuracy in RC? I'm also learning Vocab and now I can see the major difference in SE and TC blanks. Though three blank TC, is still tough.

Any suggestions for this last leg of my preparation?

I really want to push my score to 315+, V 155+ , Q 160+. My second Mock was 305, V 149, Q 155.

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Re: 300 in Diagnostic test! Need help to score 320+ [#permalink]
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