Re: It is illegal to advertise prescription medications in Hedland except
18 Feb 2023, 01:14
Conclusion of the argument: inappropriate prescriptions would not become more common.
Main premise: But since physicians have the final say as to whether to prescribe a medication for a patient
For Evaluate the argument question, we should look for the answer choice with a question that:
- If we answer Yes to that question, the conclusion will be more/less likely to be true.
- If we answer No to that question, the conclusion will be less/more likely to be true.
Use this method to check the option E.
"Whether physicians would give in to a patient's demands for a prescription medication chosen by the patient when the one originally prescribed by the physician fails to perform as desired."
E contains a question: "Would physicians give in....?"
- If yes : the physicians give in --> the conclusion will be less likely to be true/ be weakened a little bit.
- If no: the physicians would not give in --> the conclusion will be more likely to be true/ be strengthened a little bit.
The validity of the conclusion changes when we get different answers to the question --> That is the question we need to evaluate the argument. --> E is the answer.