vocab by letter "I"
07 May 2015, 03:59
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>>>iconoclastic====attacking cherished traditions;
>>>>idiosyncrasy=====individual trait usually odd in nature;
>>>idyllic=====charmingly carefree; simple and happy
>>>imbroglio====complicated situation
>>>impasse====predicament(dangerous condition) from which there is no escape;
>>>impervious===impenetrable; incapable of being damaged or distressed
>>>imposture===assuming a false identity; masquerade; CF. impostor
>>>inasmuch_as====since; owing to the fact that
>>>incarnation===act of assuming a human body and human nature;
>>>incoherent====unintelligible; muddled;
>>>incontinent====lacking self-restraint;
>>>incontrovertible====indisputable; impossible to dispute;
>>>indecisive====marked by indecision; inconclusive
>>>indoctrinate====cause to accept a doctrine without questioning it;
>>>infringe====violate (a law); encroach
>>>inimical=====(of someone) unfriendly; hostile; (of something) harmful
>>>insolence===impudent disrespect; haughtiness; ADJ. insolent; CF. haughty + rude
>>>insouciant=====without concern or care; unconcerned; indifferent
>>>insularity====narrow-mindedness; isolation
>>>intimate=====hint; suggest; imply
>>>insubstantial=====lacking substance; insignificant; frail; immaterial
>>>inquisitive====eager for knowledge
>>>inordinate====beyond reasonable limits; unrestrained; excessive
>>>ineffable====unutterable; not to be uttered