Please rate my argument essay
03 Aug 2018, 20:33
A recent study indicates that children living in the Himalayan mountain region in Nepal have lower levels of tooth decay than children living in suburban areas in the United States, despite the fact that people in the Himalayan mountain region in Nepal receive little to no professional dental care, while people in suburban areas in the United States see a dentist an average of 1.25 times per year. Thus, regular dental care is not helpful in preventing tooth decay.
Tooth decay is more or less related to the food a person eats and his genetics. It also gets affected by the amount of care an individual takes in maintaining oral hygiene regularly.
The major diet of children in the Himalayan mountain region would be more organic than the food an average American child has access to. Processed food with rich content of sugar and carbohydrates is what a child has access to because the United States has an industrialized food producing system, whereas, in the Himalayan ranges, the food has to be sourced from natural resources as industries are much less prevalent.
The preservatives and artificial ingredients added to retain the freshness of food and to enhance the flavour and taste respectively could be acting as catalysts for tooth decay.
However, we cannot conclude that the results of the study are immaculate. The given statements conclude that regular dental care is not helpful in preventing tooth care which has flaws in itself.
It is not known which demography of children is chosen for the study. If the source of information for the study was the records of a dental clinic, then the facts present would not be accurate as there could be many other children in the United States that who need not and will not visit a dentist at all.
Also, as mentioned earlier, tooth decay pertains to the care an individual shows in maintaining oral hygiene like gargling each time after eating, brushing their tooth regularly etc. Visting a dentist an x number of times is not a panacea for preventing tooth decay.
It depends on the lifestyle of children. While the children from the Himalayan ranges might experience a sedentary lifestyle, the average day of a child in the United States could be a hectic one which could impact the amount of care and attention he can put on maintaining good oral hygiene and preventing decay of tooth. Also, the fast food available in the United States could be a cause of accelerated tooth decay, which is not the case with the Himalayan mountain ranges.
To conclude, the statement that tooth decay in the children of United States could be true, the reason cited that regular dental care is not helpful in preventing tooth decay is not cogent and hasn't got enough proof to support it.