trialid1There is not the best strategy to tackle TC or SE or RC. We think so but over the years , I came to believe that probably there is not A strategy.
We have multiple strategies and our way of thinking, and by fusing both, we have our way of solving a question.
I share my way to solve a TC
1) I read the sentence slowly but not too slowly to get stuck in a single word or phrasal verb. I try to get the big picture and understand the entire sentence. Literally, what do we have here? The sentence is talking about WHAT? Mars, cooking, sport, politics, science.
2) See if the sentence, along the way as such during the first point just mentioned, has a shift, it is a single way sentence, it has some colon, semi-colon, comma, incidental phrase or else. Notice how to know and to have a good grasp of grammar is ESSENTIAL. This is an English Test.
3) USUALLy I do not use the
pre-thinking strategy, thinking what kind of word could fill the blank BEFORE taking a look at the answer choices. FOR ME it is a waste of time. For others it is useful. FOR ME do not
Even those who disagreed with Carmen’s views OK. We already have a lot of material here. Let me give you an example
Even those who think that carcass is an idiot we must admit that something this guy made for the common good.
That "Even those who disagreed with Carmen’s views" is telling us that something positive is coming, it is on the way. Or at least something that have a balance of fair opinion
rarely faulted her for expressing them,
We do know that RARELY (adverb) someone point his/her finger to her views Again, after all even though we do not like her way of thinking we CANNOT say that she is shameful for something.
for the positions she took another way for not saying to blame her
were as _____ as they were controversial.Here we needed the word to fill in the blank
Neither the views nor the positions were something
NOW: We said that we need a sort of equilibrium or balance. Moreover, notice as ____ as is another hint for this balance
Example: you will have great results as long as you study hard
complicated \(\neq\) controversial
political \(\neq\) controversial
subjective \(\neq\) controversial
commonplace \(\neq\) controversial
thoughtful \(=\) controversial
YES only E create a balance
She and her positions were controversial. we could agree more or less on that. However, AT THE SAME TIME, we should also agree that the same positions she had were controversial but also with a lot of inner sense. They have a profound meaning and yet thoughtful even though controversial.
I hope this helps