Hi foilks,
Usually I am busy on the board like it was the last day on earth. I try to help every one , as much as I can. Constantly. Via every possible way.
From today on I shall always be in the chat room. This way, I hope to reply more and even better to the students.
I have to admit until now I did not poke that much in that zone because, really, I am so busy whereas I post daily questions, conceive, and write tons of material for you
So please guys, ask me what you need or what you are looking for , or simply say hi. I 'll be there

The only caveat is NOT to start asking me to solve a question: the forum where every student can see the discussion is the most suitable way. Sparingly is ok but not on a regular basis!!!
https://gre.myprepclub.com/forum/mchat.phpThere will be a specific chat room every Monday and Wednesday at
11 AM PST time. For two hours. It will be a sort of Q&A , if you like to call it this way
Here is how to calculate your time zone
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