there are three labels ___,___,___
the first one is marked red, but it's full of black
two more labels are remainining
Answer: A, 1 is labeled red, continue..
it's possible full of red and labeled black or blue ALSO full of blue and labeled black or blue
2 is labeled black, 2 is labeled blue ALSO 3 is labeled black, 3 is labeled blue
All answer choices are correct except for
B, but tricky part is that question provides for
each box ended up with an incorrect label Hence, exclude C and E choices. Answer must be
A, D, Fp.s. IMO, this question is very tricky and time-consuming

How do we know, if answer
C is a bad choice? It's because, when answer choice
C is selected, we cannot swap incorrect labels anymore, and blue box will get ONLY blue label
Carcass wrote:
Hiroshi has three boxes of markers. Box 1 contains only black markers, Box 2 contains only red markers, and Box 3 contains only blue markers. The covers on the box have labels. However, when the covers were put on the boxes, each box ended up with an incorrect label accidentally. Hiroshi opens the box marked "red markers" and finds that the box contains black markers. Which of the following statements must be true?
Indicate all such statements.
(A) Box 1 is labeled "red markers:'
(B) Box 1 is labeled "blue markers:'
(C) Box 2 is labeled "black markers."
(D) Box 2 is labeled "blue markers:'
(E) Box 3 is labeled "blue markers."
(F) Box 3 is labeled "black markers."