Carcass wrote:
For the denominator, you have to pick 1 number among 4 and 1 among 6
For the numerato in this kind of question is just a matter of counting manually. It is even faster instead to stay there and figure it out with a formula
List A = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6
List B = 3, 6, 8, 9
1) start from 0
3-6-8-9 all divisible by 9 once multiplied
2) with 1 we have only 1 case: 9
3) with 2 only 1:18
4) with 3 only 3:9,18,27
5) with 9 only 1:9
6) with 6 we have 3: 18,36,54
Totally 13
Yes i applied this method, but the total cases doesn't add up to 13.
Posted from my mobile device