Re: A manufacturing company employs staff who work either on full time bas
23 Mar 2025, 04:45
Let the number of males \& the number of females who work on part time basis be $\(M_p \& F_p\)$ respectively \& the number of males to the number of females who work on full time basis be $\(\mathrm{M}_{\mathrm{F \& \mathrm{~F}_{\mathrm{F\)$
We are given $\(M_P: M_F=4: 5 \ldots .(1), F_P: M_P=3: 2 \ldots .$. (2) \& $F_F: M_F=3: 1 \ldots\)$ (3) Combining the three ratios (1), (2) \& (3), we get $\(M_p: M_F: F_P: F_F=4: 5: 6: 15\)$
Hence the ratio of the number of females who work on part time basis to the number of females who work on full time basis i.e. $\(F_P: F_F=6: 15=2: 5\)$, so the answer is (D).