28 Feb 2021, 10:54
Though a calculator can be employed here, it will steal a highly needed portion of your precious time. Therefore, let's make use of mental math instead.
The trick of decimals multiplication that are between 0 and 1 is simple: remove all zeros to the lift of the number, then put the decimal at the correct place after you successfully completing the multiplication; this is easier illustrated than explained:
numerator = (0.06)(0.014) --> (6)(14) = (60+24) = 84 --> five decimal places --> 0.00084
denominator = (0.007)(0.003) --> (7)(3) = 21 --> six decimal places --> 0.000021
multiply both by 10^6 --> 840/21 = (10) (84/21) = 40
The answer is B.