Master Choosing Between the Last Two Verbal Answer Choices
If you’ve been studying for the GRE, you’ve likely noticed that, when answering a Verbal question, you often can readily eliminate all choices but two. Then, the most challenging part of answering the question is choosing between those last two choices. The reason for this common situation is that the trickier incorrect choices in GRE questions are written to seem correct. So, we get stuck choosing between a choice that seems correct and one that actually is.
So, in a way, the GRE Verbal game begins when test-takers get to the last two choices of a question. Accordingly, a key aspect of GRE Verbal test prep is mastering deciding between the last two choices.
Thus, guessing between the last two choices when practicing is NOT a good move. After all, if you give up and guess, then you won’t be learning to decide between the last two choices. In fact, you’ll be neglecting one of the most important aspects of your GRE prep.
What you should do instead of guessing is stick with the question and look for reasons to select one choice over the other. There are always key aspects of the choices that you can use to eliminate one choice and choose the other. So, to master GRE Verbal, when you have eliminated all but two choices, do whatever it takes to discover those key aspects and determine which choice is the correct answer.
Warmest regards,
Scott Woodbury-StewartFounder & CEO,
Target Test Prep