Stop Trying to Predict What GRE Quant Topics Will Show Up on Test Day
A question I am asked often is, “What are the Quant topics that are most likely to appear on my GRE?” Unfortunately, any honest GRE professional will tell you that there is no way to know exactly what will show up on your exam. It does not matter if you have hyper-analyzed every official GRE practice test or even memorized what you saw on previous GREs. The fact is, every GRE is unique, and no one can tell you with certainty what will show up on any given exam.
So, rather than trying to game the system by predicting what you might see, get rock solid with all GRE Quant topics, so that you won’t be spinning a roulette wheel on test day.
Remember, there are only 27 Quant questions on the GRE (12 questions in the first Quant section, and 15 questions in the second Quant section). Thus, you have just 27 opportunities for GRE Quant success. So, if you decide to skip a couple of major GRE Quant topics during your prep, and 10 questions on those topics show up, then you will be in a tough spot on test day.
Warmest regards,
Scott Woodbury-StewartFounder & CEO,
Target Test Prep