Commit to Your Weekly GRE Study Time
Your life is busy. You have demands from school, work, family, and friends. So, you might wonder how you’ll be able to find the time to effectively study for the GRE. See the big picture. If you study hard and earn a great GRE score, you’ll have your choice of schools. Graduating from your dream school will open up so many doors for you. You’ll have a competitive advantage in getting a great job after graduation. Whether that job is in business, law, or academia, you’ll have a solid credential attached to your name. Thus, every hour you spend studying is an investment in the rest of your life!
Commit to your GRE studying in the same way that elite athletes approach practice. We all know that we don’t immediately master kicking a 30-yard field goal or performing a cartwheel on the first try. Likewise, we might not master units digit patterns immediately upon studying them. It takes consistent effort and practice.
If at all possible, commit to studying for the GRE at least 15 hours each week. Most GRE tutors and professionals consider 15 hours to be a minimum. That number is enough to ensure that you can learn and retain information, but it is not so excessive as to exhaust you. If you can find more time, so much the better!
Remember, your GRE prep will last just a few months. If you get down on occasion, tell yourself that it’s just for a few months. Then, remind yourself of the potential payoff of getting that great score!
Warmest regards,
Scott Woodbury-StewartFounder & CEO,
Target Test Prep