Hello everyone,
I've taken the GRE test three times and here are the scores:
Quant: 154, Verbal: 154, AWA: 4.0 (Test taken on August 2013)
Quant: 147, Verbal: 148, AWA: 4.0 (Test taken on July 2014) (Had a hard time concentrating that day)
Quant: 155, Verbal: 156, AWA: 4.0 (Test taken on March 2017) (used
I was wondering if it's possible for me to take my quant score to 161 or above. So far, I've tried everything
Magoosh, The Economist GRE prep, and took the Manhattan practice tests.
I've seen some marginal gains in my quant score: In The Economist GRE app, my highest quant score was 158 and in Manhattan it was 157.
Time seems to be my biggest enemy and also comprehending the GRE math questions.
Any advice would be appreciated on how I can take my quant score to 161 and above. Thanks