Re: Which bars on the graph, if they increased by 50% from 2004 to 2005
25 Sep 2024, 22:23
This question is asking in the first graph, which countries when increased by 50% from 2004 (1.5*value from 2004) will be higher than the bar right above it.
So we just need to check each choices 1 by 1.
India: 1.5*88 > 114, yes
Indochina: 1.5*80 > 88, yes
Oceania: 1.5*44 < 88, no
East Asia: 1.5*14 < 44, no
Other: 1.5*10 > 14, yes
Brazil: 1.5*8 > 10, yes
US: 1.5*6 > 8, yes
=> A, B, E, F, G