Re: While critics contend that the views expounded upon in Against Method
05 Mar 2025, 01:35
According to the passage, Feyerabend wants to demonstrate that historic instances of scientific progress were themselves marked by these flaws, and thus should not be seen as flaws at all. To this end, he describes a situation that any scientist would agree is an example of progress and shows how it made use of practices that are now condemned by scientists. Feyerabend basically implies that scientists have a choice between throwing this out as an example of good science or accepting these practices as part of good science. Since scientists are unlikely to say that the introduction of heliocentrism was a bad thing, they will be forced to "revise their account of what is and is not acceptable scientific practice." Thus, (A) is correct. Choice (B) is wrong because the point of the case study is that Galileo is a good example of science. As for choice (C), "subjectivity" is called "seriously flawed" in the first paragraph. Choice (D) says tautological reasoning is acceptable only when it's being tautological. This is not why Feyerabend makes use of a case study. Choice ( E ) misses the point-Feyerabend is using an example from history to defend certain ways of doing science.