Prep Club for GRE

Kudos given to other GRE Prep Club members

Brian owns 14 Kudos, gave away 124 Kudos.

CarcassExceedingly___________and only reliably produced by one mine in Austra30-Jul-2023
lavi141Having bestowed her patronage on many29-Jul-2023
CarcassLegislative fixes and legal protections are (i) ___, but cha29-Jul-2023
CarcassThe renowned psychologist B. F Skinner's particular brand of behaviori29-Jul-2023
CarcassJoyce‘s works themselves are (i)____, risky journeys through28-Jul-2023
CarcassThe reasoning in this editorial is so ________ that we canno28-Jul-2023
CarcassHuman infants are born with motor capabilities that are bare28-Jul-2023
COolguy101When Kim Dae Jung was decisively elected South Korea's president in De25-Jul-2023
tapas3016The startling finding that variations in the rate of the23-Jul-2023
CarcassAn overly ____(i)____ set of instructions set down by the fo23-Jul-2023
CarcassJune found the commander ______________ at first, but soon learned he22-Jul-2023
CarcassRe: For the first time, funding for designing experiments to be conducted22-Jul-2023
CarcassPathfinding in games must appeal to player expectations for19-Jul-2023
CarcassKept (i) ________ by cloying commercial radio and19-Jul-2023
kruttikaaggarwalRichard was also the ultimate risk taker19-Jul-2023
CarcassAutodidacts may argue that the enforced lucubration of a19-Jul-2023
CarcassWhile the group's street protests had had an aggress19-Jul-2023
cbdscolinOnce someone has experienced the19-Jul-2023
khankhanThough most explicitly sexist words have been replaced18-Jul-2023
cbdscolinThe fringe party candidate14-Jul-2023
CarcassResearch studies that track the (i) of salmon and their feeding habits14-Jul-2023
CarcassAmong the Meakambut people of Papua New Guinea, legends are associated14-Jul-2023
sandyWhile he says that he did not mean to kill, some feel that13-Jul-2023
CarcassThose who knew Alvarez were immune to his portrayal in the press as a13-Jul-2023
CarcassAnticipating the arrival of the baby panda, zookeepers the12-Jul-2023
sandyAn obsession with aesthetics ___________ all the work of the12-Jul-2023
nomomuffinsAlthough vitamins12-Jul-2023
CarcassTo most Western listeners, traditional Japanese music may sound _____,11-Jul-2023
sandyThe most startling aspect of Preston Brooks, the 19th centur11-Jul-2023
CarcassDebate rages on between proponents and detractors of11-Jul-2023

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