| Recipient | Post | Date |
| KarunMendiratta | Re: Another prediction based on the trend line | 14-Mar-2022 |
| GreenlightTestPrep | Re: 57 < 8k < 67 | 13-Mar-2022 |
| RA911 | Re: If values of the 30th and 40th percentiles values are 12 and 16.. | 13-Mar-2022 |
| Shimon | Re: x and y are numbers greater than or equal | 13-Mar-2022 |
| schrodinger | If values of the 30th and 40th percentiles values are 12 and 16.. | 13-Mar-2022 |
| GeminiHeat | Re: The U.S. census is not perfect: thousands of Americans probably go unc | 13-Mar-2022 |
| GeminiHeat | Fossilized bones from the hominids Australopithecus robustus and Homo | 13-Mar-2022 |
| GeminiHeat | Crowding on Moorevilles subway frequently leads to delays, because it | 13-Mar-2022 |
| GeminiHeat | During the skiing season, ski lodges spend considerably more on transp | 13-Mar-2022 |
| GeminiHeat | Re: The members of the United States Marine Corp (USMC) are famed for thei | 13-Mar-2022 |
| rx10 | Re: During periods of social and cultural stability, | 13-Mar-2022 |
| saurabh9gupta | Re: During periods of social and cultural stability, | 13-Mar-2022 |
| tapas3016 | Re: Many critics of Emily Brontës novel Wuthering Heights see i | 13-Mar-2022 |
| JeffTargetTestPrep | Re: How many integers x satisfy | 13-Mar-2022 |
| KarunMendiratta | Re: A club has exactly 3 men and 7 women as members. If two memb | 13-Mar-2022 |
| pranab223 | Re: If the tax in CA increases by 20% each year for the next 4 y | 13-Mar-2022 |
| KarunMendiratta | Car A, B, and C participate in a car race. Car A beats car B by 45m, | 12-Mar-2022 |
| KarunMendiratta | At 3 different speeds of 30 kmph, 45 kmph, and 60 kmph, it takes Adam | 12-Mar-2022 |
| KarunMendiratta | Train A travelling at 63 kmph takes 27 to sec to cross Train B when | 12-Mar-2022 |
| KarunMendiratta | A trailer truck of length 20m is travelling at 36km/hr. A car with | 12-Mar-2022 |
| GeminiHeat | Re: If y is an odd integer, which of the following must be an even integer | 12-Mar-2022 |
| GeminiHeat | Re: Donald plans to invest x dollars in a savings account that pays intere | 12-Mar-2022 |
| GeminiHeat | Re: A photographer has a rectangular photograph that he wants to frame, bu | 12-Mar-2022 |
| GeminiHeat | Re: The following are the dimensions of five rectangular fishbowls. All ho | 12-Mar-2022 |
| GeminiHeat | Re: If 3 miles are equivalent to 4.83 kilometers, then 11.27 kilometers ar | 12-Mar-2022 |
| GreenlightTestPrep | There were between 110 and 120 people in a theatre. When they were cou | 12-Mar-2022 |
| asifnawaz | Re: The sum of three distinct natural numbers is 25. | 12-Mar-2022 |
| afraz1602 | Re: After a slow sales start early in the year, mobile homes hav | 12-Mar-2022 |
| KarunMendiratta | If X_k > Y_{k+2}, then what is the smallest value that k can take? | 11-Mar-2022 |
| KarunMendiratta | Circle O has a diameter AB of length 10 cm. Two points P and Q lie on | 11-Mar-2022 |