Prep Club for GRE

Kudos given to other GRE Prep Club members

Carcass owns 37359 Kudos, gave away 26189 Kudos.

punindyaRe: The sides of a parallelogram are 10 and 11...22-Apr-2020
ZIONGRERe: x and y are integers such that |x|(y) + 9 < 0 and |y| ≤ 1.22-Apr-2020
theBrahmaTigerRe: Academics, when locking rhetorical horns, can toss off the m22-Apr-2020
Hari10Re: The radius of Circle Q is 8. If length of arc ABC is greater21-Apr-2020
keyush06Re: The radius of Circle Q is 8. If length of arc ABC is greater21-Apr-2020
logann2Re: S is the sum of three consecutive integers, the greatest of21-Apr-2020
uchihaitachiRe: By approximately how many million did the mallard populatio21-Apr-2020
uchihaitachiRe: In 1984 the population of pintails was approximately what f21-Apr-2020
sukrut96Re: Savings as a percent of disposable personal income was appro21-Apr-2020
PIneappleBoy2Re: What is the area, in square feet, of the living room?21-Apr-2020
janani11Re: Contributions to the rescue squad from Town X residents were21-Apr-2020
janani11Re: The amount by which the rescue squad's mortgage expenses exc21-Apr-2020
YuanRe: For how many of the years shown did the student population c21-Apr-2020
YuanRe: The per student expenditure in 1980 was approximately21-Apr-2020
akara2500Re: What was the average (arithmetic mean) decline per year in21-Apr-2020
mohan514Re: On the number line, 1.4 is halfway between which of the foll21-Apr-2020
BrushMyQuantRe: In 1984 the median income for a person in the 55-64 age cate21-Apr-2020
sujoykrdattaRe: Approximately what percent of state and local government em21-Apr-2020
aletisunilRe: What is the average amount of a sale made on a Wednesday for21-Apr-2020
aletisunilRe: What fraction of the total number of votes cast did the two21-Apr-2020
IlCreatoreRe: What was the total numbers of students enrolled at college R21-Apr-2020
IlCreatoreRe: By what percent did the number of part-time students21-Apr-2020
IlCreatoreRe: What was the increase, if any,21-Apr-2020
IlCreatoreRe: Approximately what was the total amount of the contributions21-Apr-2020
theBrahmaTigerRe: Whether the languages of the ancient American peoples were u21-Apr-2020
janani11Re: The decrease in percent return on shareholders' equity for a21-Apr-2020
bellavargheseRe: By approximately what percent did the total number of compla21-Apr-2020
bellavargheseRe: Approximately how many complaints concerning21-Apr-2020
pranab223Re: Of the following categories, for which was the percent of to21-Apr-2020
MagooshStudentHelpRe: In 1975 if 60 percent of the foreign visitors to the United21-Apr-2020

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