Prep Club for GRE

Kudos given to other GRE Prep Club members

Carcass owns 37354 Kudos, gave away 26181 Kudos.

qamarsabirRe: Although I’d asked a simple “yes” or “no” question, Irfan’s04-Oct-2019
qamarsabirRe: NOVA Quant prep accuracy?03-Oct-2019
KB23Re: M, N, P, and Q are midpoints of the sides of the rectangle.03-Oct-2019
sal60Re: n is an integer.03-Oct-2019
GreenlightTestPrepRe: Four different boards consist of 7, 10, 11, and 15 members.03-Oct-2019
pranab223Re: The center of the circle is O03-Oct-2019
qamarsabirRe: Of the following pairs of coordinates, which represents a.po03-Oct-2019
qamarsabirRe: xy=603-Oct-2019
qamarsabirRe: What is the remainder03-Oct-2019
einalemjsRe: c and d are positive integers.03-Oct-2019
qamarsabirRe: Refusing to (i) ____________ his vituperative words03-Oct-2019
apokalypticRe: 32 percent of x is 75. x is k percent of 75.03-Oct-2019
apokalypticRe: Q and R are the centers of the two squares with sides of len03-Oct-2019
apokalypticRe: 1/32+1/32+1/16+1/8+1/4+1/2=03-Oct-2019
GreenlightTestPrepRe: Of the 7 members of the city council, 4 are Democrats and 302-Oct-2019
GreenlightTestPrepRe: |n|=6102-Oct-2019
apokalypticRe: |n|=6102-Oct-2019
arc601Re: QOTD#20 List X: 2, 5, s, t List Y: 2, 5, t The average02-Oct-2019
GreenlightTestPrepRe: QOTD#20 List X: 2, 5, s, t List Y: 2, 5, t The average02-Oct-2019
apokalypticRe: ABCD is a rectangle.02-Oct-2019
GreenlightTestPrepWhich is greater (0.3)^2 or (1/2)^202-Oct-2019
apokalypticRe: Which is greater (0.3)^2 or (1/2)^202-Oct-2019
apokalypticRe: Which is greater x or y02-Oct-2019
apokalypticRe: Which is greater RT or SU02-Oct-2019
KB23Re: In a certain sequence of numbers, each term after the first.02-Oct-2019
arc601Re: The range of the heights of the female students in a certain02-Oct-2019
arc601Re: List X and list Y each contain 60 numbers. Frequency distrib02-Oct-2019
GreenlightTestPrepRe: Which is greater 5-1/10/10+1/10 or02-Oct-2019
mokshaa27Re: The average (arithmetic mean) of k numbers is 27, and k is g02-Oct-2019
GREcrusherRe: Subscriptions to newsmagazine x02-Oct-2019

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