Prep Club for GRE

Kudos given to other GRE Prep Club members

Chaithraln2499 owns 11 Kudos, gave away 437 Kudos.

GreenlightTestPrepequation with fourth root06-Feb-2022
CarcassThe sum of three integers A, B and C is 120. A is one third of the sum06-Feb-2022
CarcassHow many solutions does the above system of equations have?06-Feb-2022
CarcassWhich of the ordered pairs of numbers (c, d) satisfies the simultaneou06-Feb-2022
CarcassIf a – b = 16 and06-Feb-2022
CarcassIf (3x + 2y - 22)^2 + (4x - 5y + 9)^2 = 0 and 5x - 4y = 0, then what06-Feb-2022
GreenlightTestPrepWhat is sum of all solutions to the equation: [m]x^{(x^2 + 2)} =05-Feb-2022
GreenlightTestPrepx, y and p are integers, and xyp ≠ 0. If05-Feb-2022
phoenixiox and y are positive integers05-Feb-2022
sandygiven 8z^4 = 9605-Feb-2022
sandyThe ratio of 16 to g is equal to the ratio of g to 49.05-Feb-2022
sandyIf 1/2^11*5^17 is expressed as a terminating decimal, how ma05-Feb-2022
sandyx is an integer greater than 1.05-Feb-2022
Carcass79^43 or 80^3105-Feb-2022
Carcassn is a positive integer05-Feb-2022
Carcassx is a positive integer.05-Feb-2022
CarcassWhat is the remainder when05-Feb-2022
CarcassQOTD # 7 N = 824^x , where x is a positive integer.05-Feb-2022
Asif123x < y < 1 and c > d05-Feb-2022
GreenlightTestPrepIf a, b, c and d are four consecutive integers, and a^b = c^05-Feb-2022
GreenlightTestPrepIf 5n/4n - x = 0.788^-105-Feb-2022
CiaraA googol is the number that is written as 1 followed by 10005-Feb-2022
GreenlightTestPrepThe sequence t1, t2, t3, ..., tn, ... is such that tn = (n+1)/(n+305-Feb-2022
sandysequence of numbers a1, a2, a3, . . . , an01-Feb-2022
soumya1989GRE Math Challenge #7-David drove to work at an average31-Jan-2022
GreenlightTestPrepOn a partly cloudy day, Derek decides to walk back from work31-Jan-2022
GreenlightTestPrepBill and Ted each competed in a 240-mile bike race. Bill’s a31-Jan-2022
Shrija RoyRunning on a 10-mile loop in the same direction, Sue ran at31-Jan-2022
GreenlightTestPrepWorking at the same constant rate, 4 machines,31-Jan-2022

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