Prep Club for GRE

Kudos given to other GRE Prep Club members

Chanchal owns 8 Kudos, gave away 958 Kudos.

sandyThe Mayor was so _______ by the long trial that, despite his12-Oct-2024
CAMANISHPARMARConsider the spheres of human conduct carefully delineated12-Oct-2024
sandyIn Europe, football, otherwise known as soccer, it the most12-Oct-2024
cbdscolinAstrophysicists are (i) _________ the fact that the Milky Wa12-Oct-2024
sandyOn an aptitude test in 1986, an argument posited that the po12-Oct-2024
amorphousAdvisors warned the congressman to communicate directly and12-Oct-2024
GREEven those who disagreed with Carmen’s views rarely faulted12-Oct-2024
hudaThe travel writer’s ______________ towards others he met on12-Oct-2024
TonmoySristiThe director is normally lauded for his.....................12-Oct-2024
GREUntil the current warming trend exceeds the range of normal12-Oct-2024
sandyDecember’s earthquake was but a _________ to a terrible year12-Oct-2024
CarcassThe twelve-year old took to the stage with such that the audience were12-Oct-2024
CarcassAdvances in digitization, with its emphasis on speed and effectiveness12-Oct-2024
CarcassPerhaps the most of any play ever performed, James Carthwaite's rendit12-Oct-2024
CarcassThe more loudly and adamantly he denied any involvement with the crime12-Oct-2024
CarcassDiscussions of impending water shortages are often couched in apocalyp12-Oct-2024
vinay589Sam was _______ about studying for the exam because doing so ate up a11-Oct-2024
VibhuAnuragRe: General Form and Shifts of a Parabola11-Oct-2024
CarcassThe thriving health food company sells11-Oct-2024
CarcassQOTD #1 In interviews, despots are often surprisingly11-Oct-2024
soumya1989Mechanisms develop whereby every successful species11-Oct-2024
GREISLYF2024The politicians speech, while seemingly straightforward, was11-Oct-2024
CarcassPerception differs from sensation and refers not just to the reception11-Oct-2024
CarcassThe author, mocked by many for his simple, almost childlike11-Oct-2024
CarcassFor a writer with a reputation for both prolixity and inscru11-Oct-2024
CarcassIn what year was government spending on education the highest per stud10-Oct-2024
CarcassRe: In what year was government spending on education the highest per stud10-Oct-2024
CarcassIn 2007, what was the ratio of students enrolled in College to student10-Oct-2024
CarcassFor the company whose stock value changed10-Oct-2024
CarcassIf Joe bought 800 shares of PalFind at10-Oct-2024

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