Prep Club for GRE

Kudos given to other GRE Prep Club members

Chanchal owns 8 Kudos, gave away 958 Kudos.

amorphousNo other artist rewards the viewer with more sheer pleasure09-Oct-2024
theBrahmaTigerBecause modern scientists find the ancient Greek view of the09-Oct-2024
taskforceIn contrast to environmental economics, an older field that concerns09-Oct-2024
sandyNapoleon is of course most famous for his military triumphs,09-Oct-2024
suramya26In front of her parents, adults euphemistically referred09-Oct-2024
CarcassThe independent audit showed that the company was not ________, let al09-Oct-2024
CarcassIn an age of near-instantaneous fact checking, political candidates mu09-Oct-2024
CarcassNo doubt because of its potential hazards, we tend to think of radiati09-Oct-2024
CarcassThe political strategy of a demagogue09-Oct-2024
CarcassWhen first introduced by senior management, the new boss was viewed as09-Oct-2024
hudaThe judge cared not one whit for ____________ and would libe09-Oct-2024
arpitjainAdvisors warned the congressman to communicate directly and09-Oct-2024
CarcassIn certain parts of rural Mongolia, many villagers suffer fr07-Oct-2024
CarcassLast January, in an attempt to lower the number of traffic f07-Oct-2024
CarcassRain-soaked soil contains less oxygen than does drier soil.07-Oct-2024
TrevorKleeTutorRe: Rain-soaked soil contains less oxygen than does drier soil.07-Oct-2024
amorphousIf the average(arithmetic mean) of 18 consecutive06-Oct-2024
kumaran14'A' comes before 'D' in the word 'AUDIT'06-Oct-2024
GreenlightTestPrepRe: 'A' comes before 'D' in the word 'AUDIT'06-Oct-2024
CarcassThe weights of python snakes are normally distributed with a06-Oct-2024
CarcassIn a group of 50 numbers, average of the first 25 numbers is 16, that06-Oct-2024
podkneeRe: P = {3, 2, 1} Q = {1, 2, 3} R = {3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3} If s1 , s2 ,06-Oct-2024
CarcassP = {3, 2, 1} Q = {1, 2, 3} R = {3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3} If s1 , s2 ,06-Oct-2024
CarcassThe arithmetic mean of a set of p terms is 75 and arithmetic mean of a06-Oct-2024
CarcassThe number of new cases of tuberculosis diagnosed in Country06-Oct-2024
CarcassRecent research has indicated that married people are not on05-Oct-2024
Carcass_________against China's record on environmental protection has become05-Oct-2024
CarcassDuring years of mismanagement by the Socialist Party, Burma drifted05-Oct-2024
uchihaitachiFor most of the first half of the nineteenth century, scienc05-Oct-2024
CarcassOG_VPT # 8 Researchers trying to make it possible to trace05-Oct-2024

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