Prep Club for GRE

Kudos given to other GRE Prep Club members

poorviraut owns 0 Kudos, gave away 864 Kudos.

CarcassThe Classical age of Greek culture ended with the defeat of Athens and09-Jun-2021
CarcassMany observers of the trial believed that the judge’s (i) _____of the09-Jun-2021
CarcassThe journalism professor's first lecture tackled (i) itself,09-Jun-2021
theBrahmaTigerResearchers have wrecked the old thought that Mozart was09-Jun-2021
CarcassDramatic literature often _____ the history of a culture in09-Jun-2021
CarcassA (i) _____ democracy must be built on certain09-Jun-2021
sandyManagers who think that strong environmental performance08-Jun-2021
Hm3105When people are happy, they tend to..08-Jun-2021
mindA leading chemist believes that many scientists have difficu08-Jun-2021
CarcassDespite the superficial nurturist ideology which (i)____ Ame08-Jun-2021
CarcassHeinrich Feyermahn, in insisting that Galileo did not fully08-Jun-2021
CarcassIn prioritizing efficiency, modern society downplays (i) in favor of a08-Jun-2021
CarcassA retreat to nature appealed to Thoreau for reasons other than the sol08-Jun-2021
CarcassDylan's unwavering belief in the priority of self-interest was tantamo08-Jun-2021
sandyThe young minister was startled to learn that his08-Jun-2021
sandyAllowing distinguished figures to ____(i)____ on their08-Jun-2021
sandyVeeder claims that the very notion of the existence of08-Jun-2021
hudaThe judge cared not one whit for ____________ and would libe08-Jun-2021
mindA major goal of law, to deter potential criminals by punishi08-Jun-2021
CarcassAccording to those in favour of privatization of Social08-Jun-2021
CarcassThe leaders of Ukraine’s “Orange Revolution” were a study i07-Jun-2021
rx10Our young people, whose_____sensitivities have not yet become07-Jun-2021
CarcassDespite having engineered and overseen the return of07-Jun-2021
CarcassOpponents of the free market approach assert that the free market ofte07-Jun-2021
alphabetaAs he matured, she lost her more ___________ tendencies and started sh07-Jun-2021
alphabetaAccording to the passage,07-Jun-2021
alphabetaTheir fears ___________, they unsurprisingly ran at the first opportun07-Jun-2021
CarcassStudents of United States history, seeking to identify the c07-Jun-2021
sandyThe results of a survey of movie-goers gainsaid the scholar07-Jun-2021
mindPeople should not be praised for their virtue if they lack t07-Jun-2021

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