Prep Club for GRE

Kudos given to other GRE Prep Club members

saptadas1809 owns 25 Kudos, gave away 169 Kudos.

venom004Re: Oil, vinegar, and water are mixed in a 3 to 2 to 1 ratio to07-Dec-2021
CarcassThere are 100 apples in a bag of which 98% are green and the rest red.07-Dec-2021
CarcassIf x is 8/3 percent of y, y is what percent of x?07-Dec-2021
sandy58 percent were at most 40 years old and 70 percent07-Dec-2021
CarcassA bottle is 80% full. The liquid in the bottle consists of 60% guava j07-Dec-2021
CarcassFor Jack, income tax is between 15 and 35 percent of total i07-Dec-2021
GreenlightTestPrepIf 0 < y < x, then which of the following06-Dec-2021
chrishaupt97Re: 0<x<y<106-Dec-2021
Carcassa, b, c are integers, such that a < b < c.06-Dec-2021
CarcassIf p and q are integers, such that p < 0 < q, and s is a non06-Dec-2021
jelal123Re: QOTD#9 In a factory, machine A operates on a cycle of 2006-Dec-2021
GreenlightTestPrepIn the semicircle above, the length of arc AC is equal to t06-Dec-2021
sandyIn a probability experiment, G and H are independent events06-Dec-2021
sandyThe random variable X is normally distributed06-Dec-2021
GreenlightTestPrepRe: The random variable X is normally distributed06-Dec-2021
ChakolateRe: 2/d= 2-d/d-206-Dec-2021
GreenlightTestPrepRe: -5 is 7 more than -z.06-Dec-2021
GreenlightTestPrep|x + y|...06-Dec-2021

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