Prep Club for GRE

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Carcass owns 37358 Kudos, gave away 26189 Kudos.

Andrew12498If x and y are integers and x + y is even, which of the following must17-Oct-2023
emilyshu1825Stem borers are insect pests that often ruin North American corn crop17-Oct-2023
AquoravsAB = DE, BC = CD, BE is parallel to CD, and BC is par17-Oct-2023
KwasiOwusuDave bought a few pencils and a few erasers. Each pencil costs 12 cent17-Oct-2023
AquoravsRe: If c is randomly chosen from the integers 20 to 99, inclusi17-Oct-2023
AquoravsRe: If c is randomly chosen from the integers 20 to 99, inclusi17-Oct-2023
AquoravsRe: m is a positive integer less than 300 and has exactly two e17-Oct-2023
test01If j and k are integers and17-Oct-2023
LieutenantIf good taste has the vampire genre to be tired and trite, t17-Oct-2023
LieutenantModesty, while usually befitting, is not immune to excess; a surfeit o17-Oct-2023
LieutenantThe city council was notorious for voting down any measure t17-Oct-2023
LieutenantIn economic theory, rational decision makers do not always behave ra17-Oct-2023
LieutenantAlthough the sheriff had become accustomed to a certain level of______17-Oct-2023
XavierAlexanderQOTD # 1-2 Supernovas in the Milky Way are the likeliest sou16-Oct-2023
RodHigashiThe facade of the house was (i) ______, making the interior16-Oct-2023
RodHigashiFollowing the presentation, the _____ lecturer left the room without16-Oct-2023
RodHigashiRe: The Republic of India currently ranks ninth in military _____ among n16-Oct-2023
RodHigashiConsolidating memory is not instantaneous or even _____: every memory16-Oct-2023
SriSiddarthOwing to a combination of its proximity and ____________ at16-Oct-2023
RodHigashiFormerly seen only on sailors and bikers, tattoos in the United States16-Oct-2023
SriSiddarthThe (i) _____ between the records and the testimony, along with the (i16-Oct-2023
PragatiKalraArt Historian: Recently, computer analysis has revealed that16-Oct-2023
PragatiKalraTypical silt loam soil is comprised of approximately 50 percent soil p16-Oct-2023
PragatiKalraThe use of the tenn "neat" as a general term of approval is16-Oct-2023
PragatiKalraA table made entirely from the trunk of a tree said to have16-Oct-2023
wbmillanThe sum of all the factors of16-Oct-2023
kkasjalfIn a certain sequence, each term beyond the second term is e16-Oct-2023
kkasjalfA frog is climbing a greasy pole. The frog can climb 2 centimeters eve16-Oct-2023
kkasjalfLet p = the product of all the odd integers between 500 and 598, and l16-Oct-2023
kkasjalfRick’s Sandwich Shop lets customers create their own sandwic16-Oct-2023

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