Prep Club for GRE

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Carcass owns 37397 Kudos, gave away 26199 Kudos.

RohanTrixYesterday, at a certain school, the ratio of boys to girls was 1 to 3.14-Nov-2022
lofcourtA certain quantity of 40% solution is replaced with 25% solution such13-Nov-2022
lofcourtThe average (arithmetic mean) of the two numbers 3x and 3y i13-Nov-2022
bloomRe: The increase in tuition per student from 1970 to 1980 was approximatel13-Nov-2022
rainer85Re: Our words are meaningless and cannot be distinguished from t13-Nov-2022
Moatassem95Re: During the nineteenth century, Britain's urban population13-Nov-2022
JeyariIts coffers full with another round of investment funding, the fledgli13-Nov-2022
JeyariRe: Since Harvey’s methods were found to be unethical13-Nov-2022
bankheleakankshaIn the pantheon of great thinkers, Karl Marx certainly ranks as one of13-Nov-2022
nonna2196A mysterious phenomenon is the ability of over-water migrant12-Nov-2022
nronin1(2x+1)^2 - (2x-1) ^2 =12-Nov-2022
mariosIn their landmark study of Victorian literature's re12-Nov-2022
mariosPeer-reviewed journals are a sacred cow of most scientific r12-Nov-2022
mariosIn order to ascertain the efficacy of the new GRE vis-a-vi12-Nov-2022
pattypatRe: In what year did the value of fruit exports decrease by the highest pe12-Nov-2022
jayagreThe random variable x has the following continuous probabil12-Nov-2022
rashmirao13If points A and B are randomly placed on the circumference o12-Nov-2022
rainer85Re: Those assembled were beyond impressed by how well the young man spoke12-Nov-2022
yellogoodRe: Big Book verbal sections12-Nov-2022
Prakash123Each of 400 students at High School X is enrolled in exactly12-Nov-2022
bankheleakankshaReviving the practice of using elements of popular music in12-Nov-2022
GeminiHeatThe Black Death, a severe epidemic that ravaged fourteenth century Eur12-Nov-2022
frostybeIn a group of 200 workers, 10% of the males smoke, and 49% o11-Nov-2022
lawowusuFour people each roll a fair die once.11-Nov-2022
Aakash0101rajRe: Sanskrit grammarian Pnini (c. 520460 BC) is the earliest known lingu11-Nov-2022
Aakash0101rajRe: Sanskrit grammarian Pnini (c. 520460 BC) is the earliest known lingu11-Nov-2022
Aakash0101rajRe: Sanskrit grammarian Pnini (c. 520460 BC) is the earliest known lingu11-Nov-2022
student123What is the distance between two points on a number line if11-Nov-2022
XavierAlexanderThe conclusion of a tour that had taken the singer to five continents11-Nov-2022
ShoyebDUThe area of parallelogram ABCD11-Nov-2022

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