Prep Club for GRE

Kudos owned by the user

Carcass owns 37397 Kudos, gave away 26199 Kudos.

r1smithBy what percent did the number of vehicles stolen decrease f21-Nov-2022
charithaiddumArea of the quadrilateral of 5621-Nov-2022
charithaiddumProbability of selecting a car with both A and Power window21-Nov-2022
charithaiddum180+a or b+c21-Nov-2022
charithaiddumx or 9021-Nov-2022
charithaiddumThe area of a circle is equal to the area of a square21-Nov-2022
sukiiThe building, still one of modern masterpieces in the city t20-Nov-2022
sukiiHydrogen, the lightest and by far the most common element in20-Nov-2022
sukiiMany researchers have chipped away at the edges of Vera‘s ar20-Nov-2022
clintdaveThe width and the length of a rectangular piece of plywood20-Nov-2022
imgascanTed can finish a job in 3 hours and Ann can finish the same job in 4 h20-Nov-2022
sukiiCritics’ practice of making allusions to earlier work when r20-Nov-2022
GRETitanIn the 1980s, neuroscientists studying the brain processes u20-Nov-2022
sukiiAlthough the young woman initially refused to enter the heat20-Nov-2022
lofcourtWhat is the probability that the difference between the numbers on the19-Nov-2022
lofcourtEach of the four children has a bag with five different colored discs19-Nov-2022
papsychrogmailcomA woman drives 200 miles19-Nov-2022
r1smith0 is the center of the circle .19-Nov-2022
papsychrogmailcomx or 9019-Nov-2022
pattypatRe: Machine X and machine Y are the only two machines used19-Nov-2022
sanya3005Re: While the pioneering Bt potato, the first genetically engine19-Nov-2022
DerpderpWithin rectangle ACDF, both ABGH and BCDE are squares, and 319-Nov-2022
DerpderpThe four small rectangles have the same dimensions19-Nov-2022
meliudeRe: If abc = b^3 , which of the following must be true? I. ac = b^2 II. b18-Nov-2022
MattM715Re: If abc = b^3 , which of the following must be true? I. ac = b^2 II. b18-Nov-2022
MattM715Re: If abc = b^3 , which of the following must be true? I. ac = b^2 II. b18-Nov-2022
NelliThe dark regions in the starry night sky are not pockets in18-Nov-2022
Idhwoeh8The daily rent of a man who pays $975 rent per month18-Nov-2022
Idhwoeh8The four small rectangles have the same dimensions18-Nov-2022

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