| Giver | Post | Date |
| mariagas | 0.35 | 25-Nov-2021 |
| nandinigautam07 | GRE Math Essentials (2022) | 25-Nov-2021 |
| botuser | QOTD # 5-6 In humans, the pilomotor reflex leads to the resp | 25-Nov-2021 |
| XavierAlexander | 1-x/x-1=1/x | 25-Nov-2021 |
| as20203 | The onscreen vampires of the current generation of film usually lack m | 25-Nov-2021 |
| as20203 | The saying that “a thousand truths are told in jest” would be well-hee | 25-Nov-2021 |
| RugvedDeshpande | The sheer bulk of data from the mass media seems to overpowe | 25-Nov-2021 |
| as20203 | Re: Each member of the journalistic pair served as the other: e | 25-Nov-2021 |
| RugvedDeshpande | OG_VPR # 7 Bureaucrats tend to (i) _______ So it is surprisi | 25-Nov-2021 |
| RugvedDeshpande | Published in 1829, David Walker's Appeal delivered a furious | 25-Nov-2021 |
| XavierAlexander | On July I the ratio of men to women in Club X was 9 to 20. D | 25-Nov-2021 |
| akttakingprep | GRE Quantitative FREE Practice Questions - Books Collection | 24-Nov-2021 |
| metaliteratusgre | It would be (i)____________ for our leaders, given their re | 24-Nov-2021 |
| drkarish22 | ab > 0 | 24-Nov-2021 |
| drkarish22 | xy < 0 | 24-Nov-2021 |
| drkarish22 | Re: xy < 0 | 24-Nov-2021 |
| drkarish22 | |a|/b > 1 and a+b<0 | 24-Nov-2021 |
| Baju | OG_VRP # 3 Early studies often concluded that the public was | 24-Nov-2021 |
| Baju | OG_VRP # 1 This composer has never courted popularity: her | 24-Nov-2021 |
| motion2020 | Re: Critic: Emily Dickinson's poetry demonstrates that meaning cannot resi | 24-Nov-2021 |
| drkarish22 | The set of solutions for the equation (x^2 – 25)^2 = x^2 – 1 | 24-Nov-2021 |
| Krisha | If abc = b^3 , which of the following must be true? I. ac = b^2 II. b | 24-Nov-2021 |
| raghavtandonlfc | The preceding dot plot shows the number of minutes 16 customers waited | 24-Nov-2021 |
| Mekhala | Heinrich Feyermahn, in insisting that Galileo did not fully | 24-Nov-2021 |
| as20203 | It is (i) that the short story, regardless of its acclaim am | 24-Nov-2021 |
| sssuhasss | In the figure above, if x, y, and z are integers such that x | 24-Nov-2021 |
| sssuhasss | 11 X 13 X 17 X 19 X 23 30. A decrease of 1 in which of the | 24-Nov-2021 |
| sssuhasss | Which of the following symbols should be substituted for | 24-Nov-2021 |
| botuser | In Store X, shelf 1 accounted for | 24-Nov-2021 |
| XavierAlexander | The current (i) of format in electronic scholarly publicatio | 24-Nov-2021 |