Prep Club for GRE

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GeminiHeat owns 3717 Kudos, gave away 1055 Kudos.

bigBalloon76Sequence S is defined as a_n = (-1)^n(a_n – 1 + a_n – 2), where a_1 =11-Jul-2021
bigBalloon76200^200*40^40/(20^20*400^400) =11-Jul-2021
Aditya2000If the three unique positive digits A,B, and C are arranged in all pos11-Jul-2021
Aditya2000The tens digit of 6^17 is11-Jul-2021
Abhishek12As an author of short stories, plays and novels, Charles Dickens becam11-Jul-2021
somya22A “Sophie Germain” prime is any positive prime number p for which 2p +11-Jul-2021
daina1323031The sequence S is defined as follows for all n ≥ 1: The sum of the10-Jul-2021
Adenine167The old civilisation of India was a concrete unity of many-sided devel09-Jul-2021
Adenine167Southern Haul Cargo Railway owns all of the railroad tracks in the cit09-Jul-2021
daina1323031Sequence S is defined as a_n = (-1)^n(a_n – 1 + a_n – 2), where a_1 =09-Jul-2021
keerthana15As an author of short stories, plays and novels, Charles Dickens becam09-Jul-2021
arjunbirIf a and b are integers, and a is a factor of b, what must be true?09-Jul-2021
bharanid085Sequence S is defined as a_n = (-1)^n(a_n – 1 + a_n – 2), where a_1 =09-Jul-2021
CarcassAs an author of short stories, plays and novels, Charles Dickens becam09-Jul-2021
CarcassSouthern Haul Cargo Railway owns all of the railroad tracks in the cit09-Jul-2021
Anushk200^200*40^40/(20^20*400^400) =09-Jul-2021
fuenfbrote2fischeThe American Revolution arose partly in response to British general se09-Jul-2021
aniruddha23Re: Music education in America emerged in the early eighteenth07-Jul-2021
poorvirautA “Sophie Germain” prime is any positive prime number p for which 2p +07-Jul-2021
poorvirautAt 8am on Thursday, two workers, A and B, each start working independe07-Jul-2021
sevincsefailWith the number of dementia patients now at some 26 million07-Jul-2021
elPatron434When the integer x is divided by the integer y, the remainder is 60.06-Jul-2021
revant19A decade is defined as a complete set of consecutive nonnegative integ06-Jul-2021
tashveenBoth tropical and temperate, the Galapagos Islands are volca06-Jul-2021
poorvirautThe current administration and Congress have once again practiced bad06-Jul-2021
TyJon1A “Sophie Germain” prime is any positive prime number p for which 2p +05-Jul-2021
CarcassRe: GRE Prep Club Members of the Month04-Jul-2021
RITI03Re: Ensuring that children consume less sugar is among the most effective03-Jul-2021

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