Prep Club for GRE

Kudos owned by the user

GeminiHeat owns 3717 Kudos, gave away 1055 Kudos.

poorvirautModern containerization was born with the concept of inter05-Aug-2021
CarcassIn the figure above, ABCD is a rectangle, and each of AP and CQ is per05-Aug-2021
Samamammadova8888The pace of new technology brings a constant stream of new devices to05-Aug-2021
poorvirautSet A consists of all the integers between 10 and 21, inclusive. Set B05-Aug-2021
Aishwarya17As the United States demonstrated during its early development, it is05-Aug-2021
aniketghumedA distributor sells a product through an on-line store, which take a c04-Aug-2021
aniketghumedMatt earned a $1,000 commission on a big sale, raising his average com04-Aug-2021
aayush1408A cleaning solution mixture calls for a ratio of 1 part bleach for eve04-Aug-2021
KarthikjbThe length of a certain rectangle is a multiple of 18, and the width o04-Aug-2021
rafagurrlA student draws 35 lines in the XY plane, none of which are vertical a04-Aug-2021
shubhammathur98Operation F means “take the square root,” operation G means “multiply03-Aug-2021
satelIn the figure above, ABCD is a rectangle, and each of AP and CQ is per03-Aug-2021
poorvirautThe chemicals division at Company M spent 4% of its 2008 budget on mar03-Aug-2021
KarunMendirattaIn the figure above, ABCD is a rectangle, and each of AP and CQ is per03-Aug-2021
CarcassThe length of a certain rectangle is a multiple of 18, and the width o03-Aug-2021
sg65729If n and k are integers and n^2 – kn is even, which of the following m03-Aug-2021
DarshanGaikwadIn the figure above, ABCD is a rectangle, and each of AP and CQ is per03-Aug-2021
CarcassRe: A student draws 35 lines in the XY plane, none of which are vertical a03-Aug-2021
mahjabinQuadrilateral PQRS has PQ = QR = RS = 5, If angle R = 90° and angle Q03-Aug-2021
JekylldRe: As the United States demonstrated during its early development, it is03-Aug-2021
ishthewizRe: Letter to the editor: Proposition Q, a controversial measure on this03-Aug-2021
khadi3103Garment industry representative: Women's pants are usually sized accor02-Aug-2021
RakeshTikaitIn the figure above, ABCD is a rectangle, and each of AP and CQ is per02-Aug-2021
godxyzA student draws 35 lines in the XY plane, none of which are vertical a02-Aug-2021
mahjabinA cyclist travels the length of a bike path that is 225 miles long,02-Aug-2021
AN45A student draws 35 lines in the XY plane, none of which are vertical a02-Aug-2021
ahamedhaniefA student draws 35 lines in the XY plane, none of which are vertical a02-Aug-2021
rafagurrlIn a college class, each student’s overall grade is calculated by aver02-Aug-2021
SHEREENBAJAJAs the United States demonstrated during its early development, it is02-Aug-2021

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